My nature is to try and look past apparent truths, to pull back layers and understand the psychological motives behind phenomena.
If you track something like a political campaign and parcel out what's being communicated in a literal and narrative sense, and what's being communicated by means of emotional and symbolic language, you might find that it's the latter elements that absolutely dominate and move people. It makes me want to take that language and expose it.
I don't believe in God in the way I often see described by religion.
It couldn't be more satisfying to work on something almost anonymously for years, then to have it received affectionately with support.
Every film requires a different process. You learn about these particular actors and the particular chemistry between these actors. Recognizing when you don't need to shoot a scene because it's going to be cut anyway.
Silence is absorption, and when you're watching a film and you're that quiet and you're that still, at least from my experience of watching films, that indicates an absorption, where you're really in the moment. You're really present. What you're seeing is vital to you in that moment, and it's tingling, and it's alive, and it matters.
It's great making a film and having it embraced and seen. I really enjoy that.
I think Will Ferrell is probably completely evil, the darkest of them all. He is known among comics as the dark knight. An evil, evil man and a dangerous soul.
The version of 'Moneyball' I pitched - and we made - is about a guy, Billy Beane, who thinks he's trying to win baseball games. But it's deeper than that.
If something is to be quietly powerful, it requires more balance than a film that allows for more freneticism.
Film as a medium, like a novel as a medium, possesses a unique ability to communicate. Film is capable of communicating in a way that no other medium can, and I would say the same for the novel.
It's about creating an atmosphere so that characters can just live in front of the cameras. And to be sensitive, and for the actor to know the sensitivity that they are being observed with.
If you find yourself considering a project that seems like a layup, then you're diluted, or that movie's probably not the right movie for you to be making.
A lot of the time, excess on a film set is just damaging.
Mark Ruffalo is Mark Ruffalo - no explanation needed. He has the biggest heart of anyone I've ever met, and he's sort of the Dave Schultz of the entertainment industry.
My entire life can fit into a knapsack.
You make a movie and you'd like it to be appreciated, respected, embraced.
I think, when I meet a person, in general, it's not my habit to conclude anything about people. Not completely. Even people you know well constantly remain open.
I'm interested in telling stories that add up to more than the entertainment of the story. That's what does it for me.
I don't have many rules, but one of them is, 'Do not make a movie you yourself would not want to see.'
If you have a vision for something, things are navigable. If it gets fuzzy, then obstacles become much more formidable.
I am nostalgic for those man-behind-the-curtain days when someone could get away with impersonating Kubrick because nobody had any idea what Kubrick looked like.
I've never even watched one of my films since they're completed.
For me, personally, the value of a film is not determined by a review, but the health of the film is.