The one thing I'll say is I was a quiet kid. Much more of an observer than a performer.
You can recognize almost immediately if the film you're watching is the product of some kind of a hive mind or the result of a personal vision and genuine collaborations. 'Manchester by the Sea' reminds us of the potential of the latter and, for that reason, is the kind of work that makes me, as a filmmaker, want to continue. It's inspiring.
The silence of a room when someone enters with a gun is very different from the sound that room makes when empty.
I'm actually not a big reader.
A film cannot make it into the culture without the support of critics.
I don't like sensationalizing events. Instead of making waves, I want to make everything settle, so we can see to the bottom of things.
It's important for an actor to feel like they're really being watched and to receive feedback and encouragement about the aspects of what they're doing that feels truthful - and also to raise awareness when they might be resorting to habits and tricks, which every actor has.
People are attracted to entertainment, for sure, or jokes, excitement and romantically heightened stories that might be false, but are still attractive fantasies.
I know what it's like to be genuinely intrigued and compelled by a story and to have a sense that there's an adventure to be had and a film to be conjured.
I do have that compulsion to organize moments into a larger thing.
Kubrick has a divining rod for the concealed, alienating secrets of characters.
I don't want to sound too spiritual, but when you are true to yourself and follow through with things that connect with you meaningfully, somehow things fall into place.
Before I find myself in the middle of a project, I want to make sure it is the kind of thing that keeps me excited for two years. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to push the proverbial rock up the proverbial mountain.
I feel like what I'm after is not easy for me to find, and to want it to be easy... it would be absurd for me to have that ambition.
I think I approach things with an outsider's perspective.
I think it's fair to ask how truthful a film is as opposed to how factual it is.
Chemistry exists or it doesn't, and I think casting is a very underappreciated component of filmmaking.
I like going into a scene knowing that the script isn't quite finished, that there's something that isn't really going to reveal itself until something spontaneously occurs.