CeeLo Green (Thomas DeCarlo Callaway) Quotes
Quotes to Explore
When 'our people' get to the point where they can do us some good, they stop being 'our people.'
Breaks in trust are infuriating and hurtful, but they don't entitle you to flame out, throw a fit, or stomp around rolling your eyes. Try to keep the steam from coming out of your ears.
Shakespeare doesn't really write subtext, you play the subtext.
Pessimist: One who, when he has the choice of two evils, chooses both.
I want to tour, everywhere I can, all of the world.
Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.
Circle are praised, not that abound, In largeness, but the exactly round.
Whenever I have tried to write for other people, that's when my writing has failed, when nobody wanted to read it or buy it. But it's only when I've been able to write a story that makes me excited, only then have other people wanted to read it.
I analyse in my own way, in very simple, no-jargon language. If somebody is talking in very complicated way, I never like that.
You don't have to wear expensive clothes to look good.
The First Amendment only says 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.' It can disrespect all it wants.
Luck is great, but most of life is hard work.
I'm going to discipline my kids, and can't no one tell me how to discipline my kids.
With the fearful strain that is on me night and day, if I did not laugh I should die.
A lot of people believe what other people say.
I nitpick details.
'... You see, you are an optimist and live on hope. I am a pessimist and live on experience.'
Georg Cantor claimed the essence of mathematics lies in its freedom. But mathematicians do not pick problems from thin air for the pleasure of solving them. To the contrary, a mark of greatness resides in the ability to identify the most interesting problems in the framework of what is already known.
If you are going to break a Law of Art, make the crime interesting.
From now on, the pound abroad is worth 14 per cent or so less in terms of other currencies. That doesn't mean, of course, that the Pound here in Britain, in your pocket or purse or in your bank, has been devalued.
I was performing skin grafts and became interested in why skin wouldn't graft permanently.
Today we rule Germany, tomorrow, the world.
I tend to like antique things. Something can be old, but it can be timeless.