It was just really fun doing 'Step Brothers,' and then 'Party Down' came a year later. I was having so much fun. I loved the people and the comedy community.
My parents were pretty cool about letting me listen to whatever I wanted. The only objection might have been playing music too loud.
I focused my life on things that are a little more dependable, like my family and things that actually make me happy, rather than momentary flashes of success or anything like that.
I like having a beard. What's funny is when you shave a beard, you realize how freezing cold your face is! The primary purpose evolution-wise is to keep you warm, to grow hair on your face. You shave it off, and your face is freezing for a few days.
I think a lot of us are a lot more cautious with marriage because of what we saw happening with our parents. I see a lot more healthy marriages in my generation than they probably saw in theirs.
Every little interaction I had with Scorsese is forever tattooed on my brain.
David Wain just texted me and asked me if I wanted to do 'Wet Hot.' And I just said, 'Yeah, sure.' And he said, 'You want me to call you and tell you about the character?' And I was like, 'Not really. Just tell me when, and I'll do it.'
One line on a Tom Selleck sitcom does not a career make.
Going to the roof of the Empire State Building is pretty amazing for kids.
I mean, the acting school I went to, we did have a social experience, but you know, when it's a bunch of actors, it's everyone self-consciously having a social experience rather than just having a social experience.
I grew up right in Santa Cruz, right across the bay from Monterey. I would go to Monterey all the time.
I was an extra in a Tia Carrere music video.
I never was a caterer, but I did deliver pizzas.
I think podcasting is here to stay.
The great thing about New York is that you don't have to set out to do anything. Whenever I go without the kids, I walk all day and see the most interesting stuff. There's always some kind of drama playing out.
It is not like casting me in your movie is going to help you get financing.
I think when you're on a network show, it's crazy how different it is... just being on a network show that reaches that many people. It's not like I'm very famous, but seemingly overnight, I would get recognized more, and it was really weird.
I would be horrified to watch whatever I was doing on 'Party Of Five.' I'm sure I'm bad on it.
JanSport thinks about everything that a person in the 21st century would need, and then creates a pocket for it.
I used to be into the Grateful Dead, so I understand the Phish thing.
AirPods have squirmed their way into my life. I use them every day, and I always know where they are and if they're charged or not.
More and more, you're seeing television shows that are better than 99% of the movies out there. I mean, you watch something like the last couple of seasons of 'The Sopranos,' which is some of the most sophisticated writing I've ever seen filmed and some of the best filmmaking I've ever seen - and it's a TV show.
I'm just excited to watch my kids grow up.
I like to improvise; I think it's just a healthy thing to do, to keep everything loose and fun.