The way the Pak government treated me is only testimony to the ill treatment meted out to artistes. There was outrage against me. People were amazed that I had applied for citizenship in India. I don't give a damn about getting trolled. I have earned immense respect and love in India.
I remember my father playing a cassette for me when I was fifteen - Amjad Ali's 'Durga.' He said, 'This is from our part of the world. You must listen to it.' And I continued rewinding it and listening to it from early evening until midnight. By the end of it, I was nearly in tears.
Every human being is unique and reacts differently to different food items. A diet that works for you may not necessarily work for your friend.
I know we live in a materialistic world. I am not living on Cloud Nine; I am not living in Disneyland. I understand all that.
I am an incurable romantic. I am even in love with the idea of being in love, and hence, I write a lot of love songs.
I can never stop thanking God because my music influences people in their respective lives.
My father was a great admirer of music and the arts, so there was always a lot of culture in the house. As it happened, while my father was the ambassador in Portugal, the ambassador's residence had a piano, and so I started learning how to play it at the age of five.
When my first album came out, it wasn't Bollywood. The love that I received from people was everything, and it still is everything for me.
God has blessed me with the in-born talent for which I pour my heart out in the form of music.
I suppose I am more comfortable with jazz because I have been playing it that much longer, and also because classical music is a much more disciplined genre.
The love, adulation, and warmth that I got from India is the reason why I chose this country.
I am not scared of anyone except the Almighty.
I do not think classical music faces any threat because new music is being made through computer, as the real charm of classical is its purity, and one who is seeking purity will surely find classical music in spite of so many alternatives.
I want to be able to touch people's heart through my music. I want to bring a smile on every face. In my own humble, small way, I want to touch lives.
I love the classic marble inlay work of Arga.
While my mother is from Jammu, my father was originally from Afghanistan, as my grandfather was the governor of five provinces there, including Herat.
Pakistan is not the torch-bearer of Islam, and if I change my country, it doesn't mean that I have to change my religion.
I will surely pen my autobiography.
I am blessed to be a proud father of a daughter.
Pakistan doesn't value its artistes. I will get trolled for what I have said, but that is the reality. It is unfortunate.
While artistes do want peace, it is not their preserve alone. Everyone wants peace just as much.
Terrorism doesn't have a border. Terrorists attack Mumbai, Peshawar, and also Paris.
People said that I had liposuction surgery, but you tell me how can a man of 230 kgs lose weight only with a prick of a needle.
The response that I have got over the years is the best example that the people of India love me, and I feel as much Indian as anybody.