The deed is everything, the glory nothing.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
There is no crime of which I do not deem myself capable.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Der Handelnde ist immer gewissenlos; es hat niemand Gewissen als der Betrachtende.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
Money lost, something lost. Honor lost, much lost. Courage lost, everything lost-better you were never born.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
Why look for conspiracy when stupidity can explain so much.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
We must not hope to be mowers, And to gather the ripe gold ears, Unless we have first been sowers And water the furrows with tears. It is not just as we take it, This mystical world of ours, Life's field will yield as we make it A harvest of thorns or of flowers.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
Choose well. Your choice is brief, and yet endless.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
If you've never eaten while crying you don t know what life tastes like.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Ohne Hast, aber ohne Rast. - Without haste, but without rest.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
The absence of temptation is the absence of virtue.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
To know of someone here and there whom we accord with, who is living on with us, even in silence - this makes our earthly ball a peopled garden.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
The greatest step forward would be to see that everything factual is already theory. The blueness of the sky reveals the basic lawof chromatics. Don't look for anything behind the phenomena, they themselves are the doctrine.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
Beauty is at once the ultimate principle and the highest aim of art.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
There is nothing more frightful than for a teacher to know only what his scholars are intended to know.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
To rule is easy, to govern difficult.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
Truth has to be repeated constantly, because Error also is being preached all the time, and not just by a few, but by the multitude. In the Press and Encyclopaedias, in Schools and Universities, everywhere Error holds sway, feeling happy and comfortable in the knowledge of having Majority on its side.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
At the moment of commitment the entire universe conspires to assist you.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
Our modern wars make many unhappy while they last and none happy when they are over.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
Hatred is something peculiar. You will always find it strongest and most violent where there is the lowest degree of culture.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
If I love you, what business is it of yours?
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Great necessity elevates man, petty necessity casts him down.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
Kindness is the golden thread that holds society together.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather....In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis is escalated or de-escalated, and a person is humanized or is dehumanized.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
The work of art may have a moral effect, but to demand moral purpose from the artist is to make him ruin his work.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe