We hung out for the day. Nothing was choreographed. It was really cool. We just got to light up the tires all day long. And as a band, the first half of the day, we got to hang around and watch these people go off on these killer machines and do the most insane stunts we've ever seen live.
A little bit of an influence is there, but we don't sound like Alice in Chains, ... We're influenced and don't lie about it, but everyone is compared to someone.
Searching for nothing Wondering if I’ll change I’m trying everything But everything still stays the same I thought if I showed you I could fly Wouldn’t need anyone by my side I'm running backwards With broken wings. I know. I’ll die
Pedialyte's a super-Gatorade that they give infants when they're dehydrated. It's on all our riders now. Drink a liter of grape Pedialyte and no hangover. The guys from Pantera taught us that trick.
It's unbelievable what's happened in New England, ... We have the best fans there. Every place we've been playing has been selling out. It wasn't that long ago that we'd been playing to 50 people in Boston, and we just headlined a 7,000-seat arena and sold it out. 9
I'm not the one who's so far away When I feel the snake bite enter my veins. Never did I wanna be here again, And I don't remember why I came.
I write what gets me off. If I listen to a song and jump around the living room with a broom in my hand, I know that that will trigger the same reaction in other people.
That's a blessing in disguise because they left a big void in their genre of music and that's opened a little hole for us to fit in there
Our music is very simple and doesn't go over people's heads, ... Simplicity has been the recipe for us so far.
Avoiding problems doesn't make them go away - you think it does, but it really doesn't. They're just postponed. Those problems just stay inside your subconscious and brew until your body gets to a point where it's had enough and decides to release some of the stress itself. That's what an anxiety attack is! It happens when you don't know how to vent your frustration, fears, stress, sadness, madness, whatever it is that bothers you, the things you should be confronting and getting closure with. If you don't confront these things and deal with them, your body does it for you.