So I watched the Pink Panther last night, and so I'm trying desperately to be funny, and then it's just not working out so good... I wonder if maybe I could've been a comedian or something like that, or maybe I could've been a doctor, then I wouldn't have to make anyone laugh.
I'll lean on you and you lean on me and we'll be okay.
I definitely like the oddballs. There's a song called 'Little Thing,' which is the only song that I have recorded that has no words. And it's the one that I get past my critic inside me.
Nothing is black or white, nothing's 'us or them.' But then there are magical, beautiful things in the world. There's incredible acts of kindness and bravery, and in the most unlikely places, and it gives you hope.
We look to our leaders once we elect them to either lead us in the right direction or at least not crush us.
When I write the set, I try to create something that will not only be interesting for the audience, but will have a flow for the band, too, so we don't get boring.
I've never been much of a craftsman, in an educated way. But I think just the experience of writing makes the avenues I follow a little more efficient in some ways. At the same time, when you're young, you're a little more fearless, and there's less of an internal critic.
I'm a fairly tormented artist, and I'm less willing to indulge myself in self-pity, outside of songwriting.
There's a freedom to being young that is harder to come by as time goes on.
We have to be active about kindness and about peace. I've always fantasized that it would be great if there was a Department of Peace.
I don't believe in trickle-down economics. I don't think that people who have the most are inclined to share it, generally.
When I look at how fortunate I've been, being a musician... my response to being overpaid is that I should pay it back to my community in some way.
I can't believe that we would lie in our graves wondering if we had spent our living days well. I can't believe that we would lie in our graves dreaming of things that we might have been.
I'm from a very politically and socially conscious family. My mother always made a point of making us look at what was going on around us and take stock of our part in it.
Our good friend LeRoi Moore passed on and gave up his ghost today, and we will miss him forever.
There's war - there's always been war, as long as most of us have been alive. There have always been people being abused, there's always been horrible things in the world. Why are we outraged? We should just be quiet and figure it out, and work it out together.
I think I'm probably a very sad man wrapped in a very joyful package, and I think I'm very resilient, and I think I'm quite generous, sometimes to a fault. And I'm very bad with money, but I don't see that too much of a flaw.
I've always been obsessed by visual art as I have been by music personally, but that doesn't mean anything professionally.
I don't think everything is going to get peachy ever. But I think we have to fight for what we believe in.
How could I have been anyone other than me?
My songs are like a three-legged dog - you have to get to know them to have any love for them.
I'm a bit of a caveman - I don't go out into the digital space very often. I lie facedown on the grass and count how many bugs I can find.
It's funny, I get a little quieter with time. I don't want to chase my tail and one day repeat myself and repeat myself and one day have kids going to college and not have memories that I should, because I was too busy doing my thing.
In so many areas of life, I'm a spaz and incompetent.