I'll never leave 'Community,' no matter what. You're either a lifer, or you're not.
That's what I loved about 'Community' - we had one of the most diverse casts on TV, but we didn't emphasize culture. And yet, we also didn't run away from it.
I have my own show. I get to work in Hollywood on my own project. If I can still make it back home by eight to put the kids in bed, then wow: I am having my cake and eating it, too.
I wasn't sued out of medicine, I wasn't arbitrated out of the profession.
'Community' was a very important part of my growth as an actor. I see it as my acting school, not having a lot of formal acting training.
I always just loved to laugh. I always just loved it as a kid.
You can't get through medical school if you don't have a strong will and a strong constitution.
I never let on I was a comedian. I never acted out. It was really important to me, like, to not be Patch Adams. I was so super serious as a doctor, I would bark orders to my nurses. I was hard-core. I wanted to make sure I did my job right. I was perfectly trained to be a physician. You know, it wasn't a fluke. I worked hard at it.
It was my wife that insisted I do 'The Hangover.'
The best thing I can recommend is to listen to your child. I really mean that.
I do think 'Dr. Ken,' at its heart, is about a great doctor who's a bit burned out. But even when I was a burned-out doctor, I was still happy and had a life outside of work.
I think, at the end of the day, you should just be judged by your work, not on what effect it might have on the world or your community.
During the day, I was a doctor. At night, you know, I was a comic. And it was really just to let off some steam. It just became my golf, you know, in many ways. Most doctors have golf as a hobby. Mine was doing comedy.
You just can't take the doctor out of you.
When you're working with your friends, it doesn't feel like it's work.
I think the key to being a good parent is to individualize your love for each child.
We're all conditioned to work hard, and it's not just an Asian thing: it's an Asian American thing. You maximize the little opportunity you have, and I've made a career.
I went to Duke, which is... a Top Five school. Not community college. But whatever.
I have a very simple approach in career: You work with the people you love.
Comedy was always an escape for me; I just happened to be a doctor.
There is something special and different about being a father to twin daughters.
I'm definitely a people pleaser. I like people to be happy around me and be comfortable. I go out of my way, sometimes to a fault, to make sure everyone is okay.
I grew up in North Carolina, and I grew up on wrestling.
I was a very efficient doctor. I would get rewarded with a lot more patients. By the end of my medical career, I had maybe 2,000 patients in my practice.