Marilyn Monroe Quotes
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I'd vote for Mickey Mouse before I voted for John McCain and Sarah Palin.
'Kahaani' gave me popularity and 'Gangs of Wasseypur' stardom.
There are few cases in which mere popularity should be considered a proper test of merit; but the case of song-writing is, I think, one of the few.
When I've seen my operas in Europe, they have always struck me as more American than when I hear them here. I can't tell you what that phenomenon is.
Cronenberg's a lot of fun, and that a lot of people don't know watching his movies. He doesn't take himself seriously. He's still reinventing himself.
For some critics we might be uncool on account of our popularity.
If you want work well done, select a busy man ‚ the other kind has no time.
For some reason, ever since I was a little kid, I wake with the most energy of the day, and it slowly declines from there.
I would love, more than anything, to do an out-and-out farce with huge physical energy. Just because you're from the minimalist school, it doesn't mean you can't go big.
Cars are a fairly unpleasant thing to have to draw.
When you're part of a pop phenomenon, you have so many opinions shoved down your throat.
When every fact, every present or past phenomenon of that universe, every phase of present or past life therein, has been examined, classified, and co-ordinated with the rest, then the mission of science will be completed. What is this but saying that the task of science can never end till man ceases to be, till history is no longer made, and development itself ceases?
Women on the way up generally fail to win popularity contests. The only compensation is that once you're there you will become very well liked.
... I had never given much credence to the phenomenon of "writer's block". I was more inclined to think of it as "writer's impatience", and to follow Arthur Koestler's dictum: "Soak; and wait.
Horse racing is waning in popularity.
Cracked Rear View' was a phenomenon. You look at the records you consider creative of the '90s and 'Cracked Rear View' sold more than all of them. That's just one of those things. That's just something else. It won't happen again. Now we just want to make the records, have our fan base and go on tour whenever we feel like playing.
A great designer does not seek acceptance. He challenges popularity, and by the force of his convictions renders popular in the end what the public hates at first sight.
Nothing is either all masculine or all feminine except having sex.
There was not a tree on the place, only the horrible prickly pear bushes thrusting out their distorted arms as if exulting in their own nakedness.
It's great to have gray hair. Ask anyone who's bald.
For a second marriage a lady has to content herself with a quiet ceremony in a chapel or at home, if she doesn't want to be married by a magistrate. Having, it is to be hoped, lost her right to white satin she wears a simple afternoon frock and hat.
Our men fought bravely, but the enemy repulsed me. Many valuable lives were lost. Our God was my shield. His protecting care is an additional cause for gratitude.
In fact, my popularity seems almost entirely a masculine phenomenon.