I want to be perceived - or maybe I perceive myself - as this really easygoing, honest person that's just giving. Realistically, I have those qualities, but I'm very aggressive. I can be very harsh. It comes off almost mean, you know?
I don't think I'm the world's greatest producer or songwriter or anything.
I'm able to switch gears at any moment.
The L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center has this wonderful program where they take in the youth, feed them, help them learn how to cook, clean, they help them get jobs, help them learn how to save their money, and they have shelters all over the city.
I'm a horrible producer when it comes to me, but for other artists, I don't know what it is, but something happens, and I'm just really good at it.
People come to me to write songs that will be successful for them, and they allow me the freedom to do so.
I love being home. I play with my dogs.
I just love music. I love writing songs. It's not even a job; it's a gift. I'm waiting for someone to kick me out of the party because I snuck in here, and I keep thinking somebody's going to figure out that I have no clue. Turns out that most of them have even less of a clue.
I'm 44, and I've never had a problem being gay, and maybe I dodged a lot of bullets, and maybe I'm one of the lucky ones. I want to make sure every kid can have that experience.
Pink is an extremely secure person. She knows who she is. When she's going to make a change, she's going to make the change. She just needs someone to help her with the vision.
'American Idol' is a machine. It's a machine that's making a lot of money, that's selling a lot of product. It's 'American Marketing.'
Rick Rubin's amazing, by the way. I just need to say that.
I love writing songs, but I don't want to write the songs everyone else is asking me to write.
My number one goal is to take over the music business and run a really great record company.
There's nothing you could do to me, nothing you could take away from me that would make me feel like I wasn't going to be all right.
I usually write songs in a guy key because my voice is so husky.
I told my mom I was gay when I was 16, and my mom said with her heavy Brazilian accent, 'OK, but at least look good at it.'
We're married. We are one now. There's no running away. We have to deal with things together and figure them out, and that's the greatest gift. I'm in it. People ask me, 'How do you maintain a relationship?' I don't know, but all I do know is that I chose Sara to be the one, and when I choose something, that's all that matters, and I'm totally in.
My process of songwriting comes from a very real place: a place that when you watch 'American Idol' - God bless it, it's probably an awesome experience that these people are having, but it's not a real one.
I want to show people my interpretation of what creating music is, and this is where it comes from: the heart.
I don't want to be a rock star. I had my 15 minutes of fame.
In no way am I a spiritual person. I'm not some guru geek.
I don't feel the need to be in the spotlight whatsoever.
To give is one of the greatest gifts one could ever receive.