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We just like to make great songs and have fun, and if people want to nominate us for a Grammy and celebrate it, then we'll take it.
If a guitar is too easy for me to play, it makes me too laid back. I like to battle with my guitar.
Deep Purple definitely belongs in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. 'Cause they had great songs, great musicianship, they had an impact, and they're a huge influence on the heavy metal community as a whole.
'Mama I'm Coming Home' is one song that I think is incredible. One of his best songs ever written. Lemmy wrote the lyrics to that.
A lot of modern amps and preamps sound great when you're jamming by yourself, but don't hold up in a band situation. The sound isn't dense enough, and the lows and highs tend to get soaked up by the bass and cymbals.
Ampeg made incredible guitar heads in the early Nineties and then stopped. And I don't know why. The one we used had a nice clean, warm sound, and it blended well with the other amps that were in the studio.
The same sensations that you get in heavy metal are in horror movies. Heavy metal sounds evil and horror movies are evil, ha ha!
about Nothing Else Matters James always wanted to be perceived as this guy who is very confident and strong. And for him to write lyrics like that - showing a sensitive side - took a lot of balls.
The movie 'Black Cat,' from 1934, is one of my favorite movies.
I think heavy metal is therapeutic - it's music that blows the tension away. I think that's why people who have had really bad childhoods are attracted to heavy metal. It allows people to release aggression and tension in a nonviolent way. Also, heavy metal seems to attract all sorts of scruffy, lost animals, strays no one wants.
Each album you make, each body of music, you just never know how the world's going to relate to it.
I knew Rocky George, the guitar player, 'cause I went to junior high school with him, so I've known him for many years.
Technology has given us convenience, but at the same time it's making musicians work harder in that if you really want to make money making music and selling albums, you have to go out there and perform. And hope you sell stuff like merch, and get on YouTube, and all the other ancillary sort of things that go along with that.
Music is the soundtrack to my life.
I love this pedal to death. The only way you could keep me from playing one is by chopping off my legs!
One of my favorite horror films of the Nineties was 'Event Horizon.'
I love 'True Blood.' I love 'The Walking Dead.' Those are fantastic series.
I've been into horror movies ever since I was five years old.
'Are you saying it's too loud? It's got to be loud. You're supposed to feel it all over.'
For a while I was collecting Satan and devil stuff - you know, anything that had to do with old Beelzebub or Lucifer. But I had to put the brakes on it, because there's a lot of stuff out there, and the collection was just growing too quickly.
That's all I ever do, just try and do the best I can and cater to the song, cater to the music.
If I hadn't have had music in my life, it's quite possible I could be in here. Or nor even in here, be dead - and I'd much rather be alive.
If I had unlimited funds, wall space and storage, I would collect a lot more things, like 'Planet of the Apes,' 'Star Wars,' science fiction stuff, autographs, and prop guns and weapons. I have to draw the line somewhere.
You don't burn out from going too fast. You burn out from going too slow and getting bored.