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If I wasn’t in this band and I read some of these things, I’d think that I was a complete twat.
Matt Bellamy Muse -
Every album we've recorded has been done differently, but with Absolution, there was something within the band that made us feel a lot closer...
Chris Wolstenholme Muse
Paris Hilton came to our LA show. She left during the first song on the set. If we’re offending Paris Hilton we must be doing something right.
Matt Bellamy Muse -
Most of our first gigs were in typical Devon pubs where you just go and sit down with a drink and watch VH-1 on the telly. They really didn't want to see a band. All they wanted was a quiet pint and we were in the corner just making a racket...
Dominic Howard Muse -
I find that a drumkit is essential for any festival we play these days.
Dominic Howard Muse -
Being an atheist means you have to realise that when you die, that really is it. You've got to make the most of what you've got here and spread as much influence as you can. I believe that you only live through the influence that you spread, whether that means having a kid or making music.
Matt Bellamy Muse -
It's a big industry thing. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the public. It seems like a pointless thing. It's an excuse for the record companies to get together and kiss each other's arses.
Chris Wolstenholme Muse -
There's something in music which is obviously beyond language itself. It's communication in its purest form.
Matt Bellamy Muse
Our DNA was mixed with a species from outer space and apes; we’re a mixture of the two.
Matt Bellamy Muse -
I'm going straight home after the tour. I'll probably need therapy and counselling after this. Expect a solo album in 2008.
Chris Wolstenholme Muse -
I watched someone shot a cow in the bollocks.
Matt Bellamy Muse -
We were doing the Big Day Out festival. I went "Hello, Adelaide!" Matt turned round going, "We're in fucking Perth you dick." He was quite pissed off with me for the whole day.
Dominic Howard Muse -
The concept of democracy is a fucking joke. Rock’s supposed to shake things up and say, ‘Fuck that, this is shit, man! Let’s burn down the Houses of Parliament!’
Matt Bellamy Muse -
The buzz comes from getting extremely nervous before we go on [stage]. I'm really nervous now, already. I think that when you get to half an hour before, the nerves turn into adrenalin. I'm nervous all day pretty much. It turns into pure excitement, as opposed to just shitting yourself...
Matt Bellamy Muse
I had a girlfriend for a number of years who was a proper farm girl. I used to go out and watch her younger brother shoot cows in the bollocks.
Matt Bellamy Muse -
I’m scared of legs.
Matt Bellamy Muse -
I'd like to build up a cult and lead them all to a mass suicide.
Matt Bellamy Muse -
I like music because... it makes me feel the most free I've ever felt in my entire life and gives me the freedom to do anything without much consequence.
Dominic Howard Muse -
Apparently you’re not allowed to have helicopters fly over big crowds in case they fall out of the sky and start mincing up. Which is fair enough, I suppose.
Matt Bellamy Muse -
Absolution is an album about relationships between you and the other things, whether its you and God, or you and your girlfriend...
Matt Bellamy Muse
Rachmaninov has some kind of weird dark edge to his music which I don't think I've heard with any other kind of music before.
Matt Bellamy Muse -
We hired a bouncy castle in Las Vegas for a party and decided to dress up as aliens. People definitely lost it there.
Matt Bellamy Muse -
Often we'll verge on embarrassing territory, a certain over-the-topness. But maybe that's just trying to unveil something that's inside all of us.
Matt Bellamy Muse -
The differential between the bubble we live in — which is ‘ordinary life’ — and the reality out there is almost as heavy as what is being depicted in a film like ‘the Matrix’. It could make you puke to make that step towards finding out what’s really going on.
Matt Bellamy Muse