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Karma chameleon: we come and go, we come and go.
The band never actually split up - we just stopped speaking to each other and went our own separate ways.
I wear makeup and dress this way because I think it makes me look better. I am not doing it to get people to stare at me. If I wanted to do that I could just put a pot on my head, wear a wedding dress, and run screaming down the street.
I'm very uncomfortable with the idea of vaginas. They bother me in the way that spiders bother some people.
You're lucky if you reach the point where you go, "OK, I have a wonderful life ...I fly around the world, stay in beautiful places, people are generally quite sweet to me, what's to complain about?" But I think you have to get there... And it's taken me the best part of 54 years to reach that point where I'm like, "I'm very lucky, I'm lucky, I'm blessed" - all of those things. I wish I could impart that to other people but I think when you're young, you just don't listen.
For me, touring is about looking after myself.
I just go in my back garden. It's the only place where people don't come and bother you.
I was about 16 when punk started to happen. It was so exciting. You had a social depression going on in the U.K. There was a sanitation strike. London was really grim, gray. You had Margaret Thatcher coming in. It was a really revolutionary time.
What happened during the previews of 'Taboo' musical was that it was the first time I'd ever been written about as a great song-writer - I cried. I absolutely wept, because it wasn't the usual stuff like, "Oh, he was a drug addict and he did this and that..." It was really looking at the music and it was really complimentary. It was a huge thing.
Warren Street was at the high end of the New Romantic scene. They were mostly college art students and people who knew top designers.
Madonna is 'a living, breathing cash register'.
I think drugs played a big role in the Taboo scene. People were taking copious amounts of ecstasy, which had filtered over from New York, and at a certain point you were more likely to spend most of the night in the toilets at the club.
A lot of Donna Summer and things that maybe weren't trendy anymore or weren't hip in gay clubs but you'd hear them at Taboo.
I'm not gay, and I'm not a transvestite.
Personality is a real aphrodisiac, when somebody is charming or funny. I think certain jobs attract certain types of people.
Comparing Madonna with Marilyn Monroe is like comparing Raquel Welch with the back of a bus.
A difficult crowd will always test your true ability.
Leigh Bowery would create fake guest lists and put the most ridiculous names on them - Joan Collins, or really naff soap stars who would never grace the door of Taboo.
There's this illusion that homosexuals have sex and heterosexuals fall in love. That's completely untrue. Everybody wants to be loved.
Taboo was kind of celebrating trash, the kind of records you secretly loved, like Yes Sir, I Can Boogie, by Baccara - things that you probably shouldn't like.
What's really sad is that a lot of very talented people are being forced to do things that are very embarrassing and I don't intend to be one of them.
The Taboo crowd was certainly less precious. They were happy to end up in a pile of vomit and booze at the end of the night. It was antifashion, in a sense. They were just as obsessive as the New -Romantics but they acted like they didn't care.
I was pleased because he is the first American rapper to say something positive about gay people. I met his mum, she's lovely.
Sex has never been an obsession with me. It's just like eating a bag of crisps. Quite nice, but nothing marvellous.