Nobody sells records any more, and the only way you can actually do anything is to go out and play live.
I didn't want children until my late thirties because my career was taking off, and I was having such a good time in New Order. But when you have children, you have to make decisions; I always wanted to stay at home with my kids.
By the time I was leaving school, there were no factories. There was no industry.
If someone throws you in a pool and you can't swim, you're going to struggle.
Movement came out while we were away. The reviews were OK, and though I grew to like it more and more as the years went by, we weren’t especially happy with it at the time. When we listened to the finished product what we heard was the sound of a band whose producer had lost faith. You could hear it. The album had ended up sounding like a Joy Division album with New Order vocals.
If I work on music, it'll be for 10 hours a day, so sometimes I'll feel stressed, and I'll go for a two-hour walk. That sorts me out.
I suppose it was karma that Substance would then turn out to be our biggest-selling album ever; we gave away our biggest-selling record to the record company at a reduced cost – for no reason other than they couldn’t pay us for the other ones at the full rate because of bad management.
I remember that Martin Hannett once had an idea of making a record and burying it in his garden so that one day someone would dig it up, like a time capsule.
Decisions are going to have to be made before we know about the state money.
When I joined New Order, I was made to feel equal to everyone else in the band so I didn't feel like an outsider. I was treated equally, I was paid equally, and my opinion was sought after.
I just sat on the bed and cried. I couldn't go to sleep. I was just sitting there thinking 'This poor guy,'
I'm terrible with decisions. And I can't make myself do something I don't like. I can't knuckle under.
I'm surprised how many people are into vinyl.
You can never tell with New Order. Just when you think the band is coming to an end, it takes off again.
Then came a rather surreal exchange about Joy Division T-shirts, with us proudly proclaiming we did not sell merchandise because we didn’t believe in self-promotion of any kind, preferring to let the music speak for itself. ‘Rubbish,’ boomed Scotty. ‘How come wherever I go I see Joy Division and New Order T-shirts, worn and for sale, eh?’ Now, we had no idea where he was going to see these things, but we were all speechless anyway. He continued, ‘I don’t believe you, and will be fining you accordingly.’ So we would get fined £10,000 for not doing our own T-shirts.
I was a fan when Cracker was last on TV so it's great to be doing the music for the new series.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to be in a disco band.
On ‘Bizarre Love Triangle’ we’d had one of our first arguments about the level of the bass guitar. Our engineer Mike Johnson had insisted to the others they were wrong to suggest turning it down. ‘It’s a great counterpoint,’ he’d said. ‘That’s what New Order is all about.
Like the time I threw out Pete Murphy of Bauhaus for saying those six immortal words to Slim when he'd forgotten his backstage pass: 'Don't you know who I am?
...if you're going to waste an opportunity, there are a few important things to remember. Do it in style. Do it in public. And, above all, do it in Manchester.
The fact is that you don't want to be away forever, but you want to lead a normal life.
Adidas produced a limited-edition pair of Haçienda trainers, designed by Yohji Yamamoto (Saville has worked with Yohji since the late 1980s, creating his catalogues and advertisements). They retailed for £345 but people queued up from midnight just to be first through the doors to buy a pair. The shoes disappeared in twenty minutes - all soled out.
We need to talk about what we are going to do and see and decide. We'll have to wait and see.
When you get in a band, you never consider the day it'll all just stop.