It's nice to engage with the people that support you so much.
When my kid was five and playing with my camcorder. I don't like it. It makes it look fake looking, too much HD. I don't need to see your pores on TV, like why do I see your pores right here? That's not cool.
When I'm on Twitter, we just talk to people. I call all my Twitter followers my 'Twitter babies.'
There's so many different ways to get yourself out there, a lot more options than when we first came out.
TLC never broke up. We are sisters for life.
I'm hoping that somehow with songs like 'American Gold' there will be some kind of justice, and people just stop being so close-minded to where they're like, 'Oh, it's not race.' It's easy to say that when you're not black and you haven't experienced it.
What I'm proud of, we learned from our lessons.
Because of my sickle-cell disease, I have a high tolerance for pain.
I was a late bloomer, and that was my issue growing up.
I guess I have to prove myself all over again, even if it's to the world. I don't have a problem doing that.
When you Google someone's name, it matters to me what shows up. Not the lies, but like, did you change lives? Did you do something while you were here?
I see the invisible spirits, where demons still find it livable. I need a hug to hold my soul inside my body.
For our first album, we were our own dressers. We didn't have no stylists. We came up with all of the ideas when it came to dressing. At that time, Cross Colours and Jabos were really popular, so we were able to get stuff from them, but we always added accessories.
I had an attitude problem when I was a kid. I'm not gonna lie.
I like Taylor Swift a lot. She has really fun, catchy songs. It's so funny: I always say any guy that's gonna date her, just be careful, because if it doesn't work out, they know by now the next single is gonna be about them! I love how real she is. I really respect her a lot as an artist.
I want to raise my own baby. I don't want my baby crying for some other strange lady, some nanny. I am not down with that.
It's amazing what miracles and little angels and pure love around you can bring out.
I'm very healthy. I'm into eating right, and there are just some things to me, when you talk about eating right, you shouldn't eat.
As you get older, you become more unapologetic about how you really are, how you feel about things, and you really say it out loud.
What is not cool is if we have a problem with an artist or if an artist has a problem with us, come to us directly. Talk to us. Don't start a Twitter war and all that kind of stuff. That's silly.
I get a lot of 'Oh, you've been gone.' I wasn't gone. Just because you didn't see me doesn't mean I wasn't working and collecting checks. I just wasn't singing and doing videos. I do a lot of other things, like I said, like writing scripts and stuff like that. I write for other artists.
Even if you hurt my feelings and you lie, be a man and admit it. I'd rather someone be honest to me.
Good music is good music.
When we got with Dallas Austin, he was just getting on. He was kinda like the fourth member of TLC.