People think in Hollywood there's a family, where everybody gets together talks about stuff and we all know each other, and it's just not that way at all to me.
Building a set is like building a place, but it's a temporary place, because sets usually get torn down. Kind of unfortunate.
The greatest thing my father left me was a love for cutting wood - my love for sawing, especially pine wood.
It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.
I don't like Thomas Edison. I'm a fan of Nicolai Tesla.
You're right on the money with that. We're all like detectives in life. There's something at the end of the trail that we're all looking for.
The cinema is really built for the big screen and big sound, so that a person can go into another world and have an experience.
If you stay true to your ideas, film-making becomes an inside-out, honest kind of process.
Absurdity is what I like most in life, and there's humor in struggling in ignorance. If you saw a man repeatedly running into a wall until he was a bloody pulp, after a while it would make you laugh because it becomes absurd.
Television provides the opportunity for an ongoing story - the opportunity to meld the cast and the characters and a world, and to spend more time there.
All the movies are about strange worlds that you can't go into unless you build them and film them. That's what's so important about film to me. I just like going into strange worlds.
More and more people are seeing the films on computers - lousy sound, lousy picture - and they think they've seen the film, but they really haven't.
See, a painting is much cheaper than making a film. And photography is, you know, way cheap. So if I get an idea for a film, there are many ways to get it together and go realise that film. There's really nothing to be afraid of.
Meditation is to dive all the way within, beyond thought, to the source of thought and pure consciousness. It enlarges the container, every time you transcend. When you come out, you come out refreshed, filled with energy and enthusiasm for life.
Music as background to me becomes like a mosquito, an insect. In the studio we have big speakers, and to me that's the way music should be listened to. When I listen to music, I want to just listen to music.
My cow is not pretty, but it is pretty to me.
To make the script, you need ideas, and for me a lot of times, a final script is made up of many fragments of ideas that came at different times.
One change of attitude would change everything. If everyone realized that it could be a beautiful world and said let's not do these things anymore - let's have fun.
Stories hold conflict and contrast, highs and lows, life and death, and the human struggle and all kinds of things.
I've always loved the electric guitar: to hold it and work it and hear what it does is unreal.
As a kid, I was always building things. My father had a shop in the house, and we built things - we were kind of a project family. I started out as a painter, and then painting led to cinema, and in cinema, you get to build so many things, or help build them.
I like cappuccino, actually. But even a bad cup of coffee is better than no coffee at all.
There's always fear of the unknown where there's mystery. It's possible to achieve a state where you realize the truth of life and fear disappears, and a lot of people have reached that state, but next to none of them are on Earth. There's probably a few.
I think part of the reason ideas haven't come in is that the world of cinema is changing so drastically, and in a weird way, feature films I think have become cheap. Everything is kind of throwaway. It's experienced and then forgotten.