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I remember us sitting down brainstorming and trying to decide you know, what is it that we want to say? How do we want to represent ourselves and how do we want to represent African-American women and what message do we want to put out there and how do we want to uplift?
Performing at the CIAA tournament was absolutely so cool because I am proud to say that I am an Alumni of an HBC.
You know I’m not exactly sure why girl groups disappeared because I think we’re all individuals I can only speak for my group.
Well, the journey for En Vogue still to this day has been absolutely amazing. We’ve been blessed with a lot of success and continued success because here we are about to release our forthcoming record titled, Electric Cafe.
I remember us being so excited that we even had the opportunity to go in the studio and do another record and have a second chance at it, that’s my most fond memory.
Hey Y'all!!...we are on our way to rehearsal for BETHer taping today we're so excited and looking forward to the story telling intimacy!
I think there’s a resurgence because I think girl groups are such a staple in this industry and I don’t think they will ever go away even when you see one girl group go away, you’re going to see another one that’s coming because I think we’re the fabric of music and the music industry and certainly in the African-American culture.
Our first single, “Deja Vu” which was basically a release to tell our fans thank you for waiting so patiently for us. It has this bossa nova feel to it. The whole record has this international global R&B vibe to it, that’s what I would call it and we’re really excited about releasing it and we hope you guys like it.
We’re really looking forward to that and to continue to work.
I think at some point in time when you have a group of members together you have different goals and aspirations and you tend to grow apart.
Well, never say never. We have been in conversations about that so I’ll just keep it there and we’ll see what happens.
Electric Cafe is a project initially we started out brainstorming thinking we wanted to go the EDM route which means Electronic Dance Music and then as we were in the process of creating, the record started to morph and kind of take a life of it’s own so you still have the underlying essence of EDM in the record but it’s definitely your classic R&B music and you’re definitely going to get the classic signature En Vogue harmony. It’s very eclectic.
Do what you love, and the rest will follow.