Quotes of the day, March 7
The composer reveals the innermost nature of the world, and expresses the profoundest wisdom in a language that his reasoning faculty does not understand, just as a magnetic somnambulist gives information about things of which she has no conception when she is awake. Therefore in the composer, more than in any other artist, the man is entirely separate and distinct from the artist.
Arthur Schopenhauer
October 26
Doubts and mistrust are the mere panic of timid imagination, which the steadfast heart will conquer, and the large mind transcend.
Helen Keller
October 25
Never to be cast away are the gifts of the gods, magnificent, which they give of their own will, no man could have them for wanting them.
October 24
I've been telling you for years that if they don't get their way, if all of this stuff that's happened does not enable them to bring about their world totalitarian socialist government, disarm the American people and create their New World Order, they'll blow up an American city with an atomic bomb. They will do it. I have said it probably a couple of hundred times.
William Bill
October 23
Life is a long preparation for something that never happens.
William Butler Yeats
October 22
When you consider the many ways in which people have to make a living every day when they wake up, I figure that eating 20 eggs isn't that bad.
Casey Affleck