Spirit Quotes
The spirit of submission is choosing His way over ours for His sake.
K. P. Yohannan -
The fault is in the one who blames. Spirit sees nothing to criticize.
Contrary to what people are saying, you can't go by what people say, but by their spirit.
Stevie Wonder -
Love is the hastening gravitation of spirit towards spirit, and body towards body, in the joy of creation.
D. H. Lawrence -
God waits only the separation of spirit from flesh to crown us with a full reward. Why, then, should we ever sink overwhelmed with distress, when life is so soon over, and death is so certain an entrance to happiness -- to glory?
Charlotte Bronte -
I have passed out of childhood into old age. I have had no youth - no womanhood; the hopes of womanhood have closed for me - for I shall never marry; and I anticipate cares and sorrows just as if I were an old woman, and with the same fearful spirit.
Elizabeth Gaskell -
In the sacraments, spirit and matter "kiss." Heaven and earth embrace in a union that will never end.
Christopher West -
If you're not a full-time missionary with a missionary badge pinned on your coat, now is the time to paint one on your heart-painted, as Paul said, 'not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God.'
Neil L. Andersen
The spirit of social computing is the concept of leaving value in your wake.
Bradley Horowitz -
How much truth can a spirit bear, how much truth can a spirit dare? ... that became for me more and more the real measure of value.
Friedrich Nietzsche -
You might slip, you might slide You might stumble and fall by the roadside But don't you ever let nobody drag your spirit down Remember you're walking up to heaven, don't let nobody turn you around
Eric Bibb -
He fumbles at your spirit As players at the keys Before they drop full music on; He stuns you by degrees. Prepares your brittle substance For the ethereal blow by fainter hammers, further heard, Then nearer, then so slow Your breath has time to straighten Your brain to bubble cool,- Deals one imperial thunderbolt That scalps your naked soul.
Emily Dickinson -
Had I been a man I might have explored the Poles or climbed Mount Everest, but as it was my spirit found outlet in the air. . . .
Amy Johnson -
If your spirit still looks around at the time of prayer, then it does not yet pray as a monk. You are no better than a man of affairs engaged in a kind of landscape gardening.
Evagrius Ponticus
Whatever excites the spirit of contradiction is capable of producing the last effects of heroism; which is only the highest pitch of obstinacy, in a good or bad cause, in wisdom or folly.
William Hazlitt -
Dejection of spirits, which may have prevented many a man from becoming an author, made me one. I find constant employment necessary, and therefore take care to be constantly employed. . . . When I can find no other occupation, I think; and when I think, I am very apt to do it in rhyme.
William Cowper -
The patriotic spirit demands loyal and strict adherence to nonviolence and truth.
Mahatma Gandhi -
The spirit of party opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.
George Washington -
Dear God, Please send to me the spirit of Your peace. Then send, dear Lord, the spirit of peace from me to all the world. Amen.
Marianne Williamson -
I love being in a band. I love that collaborative spirit, although some would suggest that I don't get involved in the collaborative spirit, but it's not true.
Trevor Rabin Cinema
Being generous without keeping score strengthens your spirit, keeps you focused on the people who make your business what it is, and helps breed success.
Brandon Steiner -
If I love in thee, beloved, only what thou lovest most, do not be angry; for so one spirit is enamoured of another.
Michelangelo -
Justice in the individual is now defined analogously to justice in the state. The individual is wise and brave in virtue of his reason and spirit respectively: he is disciplined when spirit and appetite are in proper subordination to reason. He is just in virtue of the harmony which exists when all three elements of the mind perform their proper function and so achieve their proper fulfillment; he is unjust when no such harmony exists.
Plato -
God is the vital force or spirit which is all-pervading, all-embracing and, therefore, beyond human ken.
Mahatma Gandhi