Spirit Quotes
Spirit is like the wind, in that we can't see it but can see its effects, which are profound.
Jimmy Carter -
Music that gentlier on the spirit lies, Than tired eyelids upon tired eyes.
Alfred Lord Tennyson
I think my view is that whenever you project into the future you're never likely to be accurate in the details, or the paraphernalia and style. It's in the spirit of it.
Stephen Fry -
In the first place, any group of folks willing to make asses of themselves in pursuit of a good time should be commended and encouraged: The spirit of human frolic needs all the help it can get.
Molly Ivins -
The spirit needs several sorts of food of which knowledge is only one.
John Ruskin -
The Latina spirit translates to every aspect of our lives, from beauty to work to family. We're loving, we're loud, and we're beautiful in our essence.
Eva Longoria -
What drains your spirit drains your body. What fuels your spirit fuels your body.
Caroline Myss -
A strong human spirit with control over appetites of the flesh is master over emotions and passions and not a slave to them. That kind of freedom is as vital to the spirit as oxygen is to the body! Freedom from self-slavery is true liberation!
Russell M. Nelson
The spirit of seeking understanding through personal contact with people of other nations and other cultures deserves the respect and support of all.
Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr. -
It is godlike to unloose the spirit, and forget yourself in thought.
Nathaniel Parker Willis -
The cool thing is that jazz is really a wonderful example of the great characteristics of Buddhism and great characteristics of the human spirit. Because in jazz we share, we listen to each other, we respect each other, we are creating in the moment. At our best, we're non-judgmental.
Herbie Hancock -
Through the art of affirmative prayer the limitless resources of the Spirit are at my command. The power of the Infinite is at my disposal.
Ernest Holmes -
I've never really been into ghosts or spirits, and I've only had a couple of those kind of experiences.
Rhys Darby -
This kingdom of God life is not a matter of waking up each morning with a list of chores or an agenda to be tended to, left on our bedside table by the Holy Spirit for us while we slept. We wake up already immersed in a large story of creation and covenant, of Israel and Jesus, the story of Jesus and the stories that Jesus told. We let ourselves be formed by these formative stories, and especially as we listen to the stories that Jesus tells, get a feel for the way he does it, the way he talks, the way he treats people, the Jesus way.
Eugene H. Peterson
I don't want my life to be explainable without the Holy Spirit. I want people to look at my life and know I couldn't be doing this by my own power. I want to live in such a way that I am desperate for Him to come through. That if He doesn't come through, I am screwed.
Francis Chan -
The soul's house is not built on such a convenient plan; there are few soundproof partitions in it. Only when the conviction - not merely the idea - that the demand of the Spirit, however inconvenient, rules the whole of it, will those objectionable noises die down which have a way of penetrating into the nicely furnished little oratory and drowning all the quieter voices by their din.
Evelyn Underhill -
One radical free spirit nonconformist is pretty much like another.
George Will -
It really matters what you listen to. . . . Select music that will strengthen your spirit.
Russell M. Nelson -
If you accept the belief that baptism incorporates us in the mystical body of Christ, into the divine DNA, then you might say that the Holy Spirit is present in each of us, and thus we have the capacity for the fullness of redemption, of transformation.
Thomas Keating -
To work hard. To open new doors for our kids, for our grandkids. To renew our spirit. That's what America is about.
Joseph M. Kyrillos
Worship is not an experience. Worship is an act, and this takes discipline. We are to worship ''in spirit and in truth.'' Never mind about the feelings. We are to worship in spite of them.
Elisabeth Elliot -
I don't want to be a facilitator for other funny people. It doesn't seem smart for me to be in a comedy and not be funny. My spirit can't take it.
Sarah Silverman -
Every single choice we make is either going to enhance the spirit or drain it. Every day, we're either giving ourselves power or taking it away.
Caroline Myss -
Who rise from flesh to spirit know the fall: The word outleaps the world, and light is all.
Theodore Roethke