Appears Quotes
It appears at this time, although the investigation is continuing, that he was struck by that white Town Car, lost control and plowed into the clinic. It appears that he's a victim of a hit-and-run and we don't arrest victims.
The universe appears to me like an immense, inexorable torture-garden…Passions, greed, hatred, and lies; social institutions, justice, love, glory, heroism, and religion: these are its monstrous flowers and its hideous instruments of eternal human suffering.
Everything is changeable, everything appears and disappears; there is no blissful peace until one passes beyond the agony of life and death.
It appears that he's a victim of a hit-and-run and we don't arrest victims.
It appears that it started in the living room, but we're not 100 percent certain of that.
Still later that night, ... another series of confusions took place -- including what at this juncture appears to be a very significant computer error made by the Volusia County Elections Department -- which led to another series of bad calls by television networks and newspapers across the nation.
As people are walking all the time, in the same spot, a path appears.
Each time dawn appears, the mystery is there in its entirety.
I don't know if you've ever tried writing a Doctor Who story, but it's a lot more difficult than it initially appears, especially if you've got more than one assistant.
A thing either is what it appears to be; or it is not, but yet appears to be; or it is, but does not appear to be; or it is not, and does not appear to be.
So true is that unnatural generally means only uncustomary, and that everything which is usual appears natural.
A man far oftener appears to have a decided character from persistently following his temperament than from persistently following his principles.
Man's chief moral deficiency appears to be not his indiscretions but his reticence.
It appears to me we haven't learned very much.
No living being is held by anything so strongly as by its own needs. Whatever therefore appears a hindrance to these, be it brother, or father, or child, or mistress, or friend, is hated, abhorred, execrated.
The object of the Gita appears to me to be that of showing the most excellent way to attain self-realization.
What may appear as truth to one person will often appear as untruth to another person. But that need not worry the seeker. When there is honest effort, it will be realised that what appears to be different truths are like apparently different countless leaves of the same tree.
In the central cases of physical pain, then, it appears that at least part of what is bad about our condition is the way it makes us feel. Here there seem to be no problems with a purely mental state account, no counterpart to the experience machine that could bring us to think that we are being deceived by mere appearances. [...] If I am suffering physical pain then I can be quite wrong about the organic cause of my affliction, or even about whether it has one, without that error diminishing in the slightest either the reality of my pain or its impact on the quality of my life.
To call a thing good not a day longer than it appears to us good, and above all not a day earlier - that is the only way to keep joy pure.
Leave that which is not, but appears to be. Seek that which is, but is not apparent.
What appears to be the end of the road may simply be a bend in the road.
There are reports of numerous casualties. It appears the freight train hit the vehicle (which had come off a motorway bridge), which then ploughed onto an adjoining line and was in collision with the passenger train.
From now on practice saying to everything that appears unpleasant: You are merely an appearance and NOT what you appear to be.
It appears likely that there was no normative pattern of church government in the apostolic age, and that the organizational structure of the church is no essential element in the theology of the church.