Agendas Quotes
The news is not about news anymore. It's about protecting some people, destroying others and shoving a socialist agenda down the collective throats of America.
I was just suggesting some times to discuss things at future meetings in order to set up agendas ahead of time so that we know what's coming down the line. I don't think we need to discuss that in the meeting.
Too often the past has been twisted to fit the visions and agendas of the present.
Part of forgiving people is releasing them from our own agendas.
I've worked on the urban agenda all my life. All. My. Life.
Live for yourself. Love those around you - but realise they have their own agendas.
When you understand the values of God's kingdom, you will best understand His agenda.4 However, it is my conviction that the message of the kingdom, and the values therein, are sorely lacking in understanding today.
I've always been interested in combining architecture with a social agenda, and I really think you can invest and be inventive with hospitals and housing.
Cancer is such a ruthless adversary because it behaves as if it has its own fiendishly cunning agenda.
Medicare, getting through that in the '60s, after Kennedy's assassination, where there was such an emotional desire to do something to carry on his agenda.
If you think you got a better idea in terms of how to approach this that's not gonna result in more pollution, and more asthma, and more illness then put your ideas out there. But don't just oppose things because, "This was Obama's agenda."
Liberia has to take primary responsibility for its own reform agenda. But our resources are limited. We have to attract the private sector to get jobs to our people that will enable us to raise the government revenue, but to do that we have to build infrastructure. It's a very complex problem of development we are facing here.
Although the big word on the left is 'compassion,' the big agenda on the left is dependency.
The Federal Building's large Ceremonial Courtroom, reserved for show trials, is veneered in executive teak. Bench, counsel tables, jury boxes, entrances, and exits -- all are as formally arranged as an Elizabethan stage. Only the drama is shapeless, at least to those of us who have never seen a trial before. We see only random movements, sequences, comings and goings, no form or agenda apparent. To us the action is less like watching a play than watching an aquarium.
You are free to love without an agenda
All I want from you is to trust me with what little you can, and grow in loving people around you with the same love I share with you. It's not your job to change them, or to convince them. You are free to love without an agenda.
Women are more than 50% of almost every country in the world. Countries rob themselves of the resources of women if they keep them as property. It isn't that women can't find work. It's just that women don't get paid for their work and are not recognized properly. It's something that has to be on the international agenda all the time.
If you look at the early nineteenth century you see the idea that we educate children to be voters and to be participants in our popular democracy. And then at the turn of the century when more and more immigrants are coming into the schools, Americanization becomes a more explicit part of the agenda.
The level of our political trust [with China] is also very high. We have similar positions on major international issues or even, as diplomats say, our views are identical. We often have shared positions on key issues of the modern international agenda.
What is childlike humility? It’s not the lack of intelligence, but the lack of guile. The lack of an agenda.
Whether Barack Obama is simply incompetent as president or has some hidden agenda to undermine this country, at home and abroad, he has nearly everything he needs to ruin America, including a fool for a vice president
I know how models are built, because I build them myself, so I know that I'm embedding my values into every single algorithm I create and I am projecting my agenda onto those algorithms.
We have to consider who is going to be the best prime minister to take on a "one nation" agenda.
I am deeply disturbed by the senseless violence instigated by some leaders in pursuit of their personal political agenda.