Loved Quotes
I have never loved anyone for love's sake except, perhaps, Josephine - a little.
In this vast country that he had so loved, he was alone.
I loved that song "Don't Tell Me", but man, it was dark. That song did nothing for Van Halen.
Looking back, I have this to regret, that too often when I loved, I did not say so.
I used the second year of my MFA program to write a young adult novel and began pursuing picture books as well. I loved the economy of this art form, choosing, with pristine attention, the exact right words to tell the exact right story.
We are freed to free others. We are affirmed to affirm others. We are loved to love others.
My friends, God is necessary for me if only because he is the one being who can be loved eternally.
People are always saying they loved me in 'Titanic.'
I've always loved fashion - it's a reflection of your personality.
I would have loved to have worked with Kurt Angle. He would have been a lot of fun to be in the ring with.
You will never break up my home. I know that’s been your object for years and the aim of all your secret maneuvers. I love my children as no man ever loved his before. I know men love their children, but mine are bound up in me, part of me.
No sooner met but they looked; no sooner looked but they loved; no sooner loved but they sighed; no sooner sighed but they asked one another the reason; no sooner knew the reason but they sought the remedy; and in these degrees have they made a pair of stairs to marriage.
I guess the subject of race is so natural to me I never think of it as hefty. It's something I talk about and joke about and discuss with my loved ones every day of my life.
What was she like? She loved him, really loved him then, for an instant. this, this was easier.
Lady, for indeed I loved you and I deemed you beautiful, I cannot brook to see your beauty marred Through evil spite: and if ye love me not, I cannot bear to dream you so forsworn: I had liefer ye were worthy of my love, Than to be loved again of you - farewell; And though ye kill my hope, not yet my love, Vex not yourself: ye will not see me more.
Oh! Everything I loved!
Sorry? Sorry? Sorry isn't enough. Every. Single. Thing. I ever loved is beyond my reach now. Everything I ever wanted. Everything I ever was.
I haven't seen that many gay movies, but I haven't loved a lot of the ones I've seen.
Yes, he’d loved someone some years some way back before he was him now and can’t remember anything about her but her teeth, which he now feels having grown in behind his own teeth, eating what he eats before he eats.
Stay strong. Stay true to yourself and to who you are because there is community out there. It may not be in your town or perhaps even in your family, but you are wanted and you are loved and there are places in the world where you will be safe and supported.
I've always been a bit of a dreamer. I've always loved to look and seek, and explore and find out.
I loved Spencer Tracy. I would have done anything for him.
There you are, sir. There's nothing more than to love and be loved.
You will trust God to the degree you know you are loved by Him.