Meaning Quotes
I try to leave things as open ended as possible, not too overladen with meaning.
Sam Taylor-Johnson -
To grasp the meaning of the world of today we use a language created to express the world of yesterday. The life of the past seems to us nearer our true natures, but only for the reason that it is nearer our language.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The absurd is a shadow cast over everything we do and even if we try to live life as if it has meaning as if there are reasons for doing things the absurd will linger in the back of our minds as a nagging doubt that perhaps there is no point.
Albert Camus -
Sovereignty is a word that is used often but it has really no specific meaning. Sovereignty today is nominal. Any number of countries that are sovereign are sovereign only nominally and relatively.
Zbigniew Brzezinski -
In nearly all ballads, the words set the mood and meaning, while the music intensifies or enhances them.
Kate Smith -
I used to think things were the way they are for a reason, that there was some hidden meaning. I used to think that this meaning governed the way the world was. But it's an illusion to think that there are good and bad reasons. Grammar is a lie to make us think that what we say is connected by a logic that you'll find if you study it, a lie that gone on for centuries. Because I now know that life just lurches between stability and instability and doesn't obey any law.
Delphine de Vigan -
I am quite serious when I say that I do not believe there are, on the whole earth besides, so many intensified bores as in these United States. No man can form an adequate idea of the real meaning of the word, without coming here.
Warren Buffett -
People have played on words and pretended to believe that refusing to grant a meaning to life necessarily leads to declaring that it is not worth living. In truth, there is no necessary common measure between these two judgments.
Albert Camus
The great wisdom traditions of the world all recognize that the main impediment to living a life of meaning is being self-absorbed.
Barbara Brown Taylor -
The real meaning of economic equality is "To each according to his need."
Mahatma Gandhi -
Without meaning, without substance, without aim: a mere 'public opinion'.
Friedrich Nietzsche -
A psychoneurosis must be understood, ultimately, as the suffering of a soul which has not discovered its meaning.
Carl Jung -
A story has to have muscle as well as meaning, and the meaning has to be in the muscle.
Flannery O'Connor -
I am thankful, however, that some of our white brothers have grasped the meaning of this social revolution and committed themselves to it. They are still all too small in quantity, but they are big in quality.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
It's funny: sometimes with 'Spaced,' people would try and read too much into something I'd done, with the references meaning something more than they do.
Edgar Wright -
Because your question searches for deep meaning, I shall explain in simple words.
Dante Alighieri -
No experience is ever wasted. Everything has meaning.
Oprah Winfrey -
What is the meaning of the immense silence that surrounds the dead?
Ernst Junger -
We might say that the dream tranforms the dreamer; that it possesses the ability to 'initiate', to bestow new meaning, to motivate new beginnings (Latin: initium - beginning), to permit our entrance (literally 'en-trance'; Latin: inire init - to go in) to new orders of relation between ourselves and the 'other'.
Andrew D. Chumbley -
Expulsion and genocide, though both are international offenses, must remain distinct; the former is an offense against fellow-nations, whereas the latter is an attack upon human diversity as such, that is, upon a characteristic of the "human status" without which the very words "mankind" or "humanity" would be devoid of meaning.
Hannah Arendt
We do not pray for immortality, but only not to see our acts and all things stripped suddenly of all their meaning; for then it is the utter emptiness of everything reveals itself.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery -
Education provides you a profession. But not vocation. You do it only because you need to work to earn money to buy your food, buy your clothes, pay the bills. Our life has a greater meaning, and a greater purpose.
Satish Kumar -
I think that too many people think too much about my lyrics. I am more a person who works with the sound of a word than with its meaning. Often I just choose the words because of the rhythm not because of the meaning.
Mike Patton Faith No More -
It's so fun to be in love... or so I've heard, The meaning has no feeling even though I understand the word...