Destinies Quotes
We, the People, recognize that we have responsibilities as well as rights; that our destinies are bound together; that a freedom which only asks what's in it for me, a freedom without a commitment to others, a freedom without love or charity or duty or patriotism, is unworthy of our founding ideals, and those who died in their defense.
Barack Obama
It seems to me that the novel is very much alive as a form. Without any question, every epoch has its own forms, and the novel nowadays cannot resemble that of the nineteenth century. In this domain all experiments are justified, and it is better to write something new clumsily than to repeat the old brilliantly. In the nineteenth century, novels dealt with the fate of a person or of a family; this was linked to life in that period. In our time the destinies of people are interwoven. Whether man recognizes it or not, his fate is much more linked to that of many other people than it used to be.
Ilya Ehrenburg
The more we're governed by idiots and have no control over our destinies, the more we need to tell stories to each other about who we are, why we are, where we come from, and what might be possible. Or, what's impossible? What's a fantasy?
Alan Rickman
Attractions are proportional to destinies.
Charles Fourier
Some places are like family. They annoy us to no end, especially during the holidays, but we keep coming back for more because we know, deep in our hearts, that our destinies are intertwined.
Eric Weiner
Greater dooms win greater destinies.
I was not in agreement with the sharp anti-Semitic tone, but from time to time I read arguments which gave me some food for thought. At all events, these occasions slowly made me acquainted with the man and the movement, which in those days guided Vienna's destinies: Dr. Karl Lueger and the Christian Social Party.
Adolf Hitler
A lot happens when the prince and princess live happily ever after – the king, his father, dies, so he is now ruler and she his queen, they have their children, she conducts discreet affairs with Sir Lancelot, there are border uprisings...but still the story ended when the love toward which their destinies drove them came to mutual consciousness when they knew, each knowing the other knew, that they were meant for each other.
Arthur Danto
By educating the young generation along the right lines, the People's State will have to see to it that a generation of mankind is formed which will be adequate to this supreme combat that will decide the destinies of the world.
Adolf Hitler
Civil law, as well as nature herself, has always recognized a wide difference in the respective spheres and destinies of man and woman.
Joseph P. Bradley
What is said about men often has as much influence upon their lives, and especially upon their destinies, as what they do.
Victor Hugo
Before we can aspire to guide the destinies of India, we shall have to adopt the habit of fearlessness.
Mahatma Gandhi
True or false, that which is said of men often occupies as important a place in their lives, and above all in their destinies, as that which they do.
Victor Hugo
I think people are born for their destinies. Certain people are gifted to use their hands, or voices or minds. I’m fortunate enough to be such a person.
The library is not, as some would have it, a place for the retiring of disposition or faint of heart. It is not an ivory tower or a quiet room in a sanitarium facing away from the afternoon sun. It is, rather, a command center, a power base. A board room, a war room. An Oval Office for all who preside over their own destinies. One does not retreat from the world here; one prepares to join it at an advantage.
Eric Burns
Our destinies are our own, if we have the courage to take control of them.
David Clement-Davies
I am fighting this. I want to get better, I want to work again. I do believe we are architects of our destinies, but with me somewhere along the line something came loose.
Emily Lloyd
Alone among the societies that abolished slavery in the nineteenth century, the United States, for a moment, offered the freedmen a measure of political control over their own destinies.
Eric Foner