Workforce Quotes
To me, this goes beyond disappointing. It shows that we are failing to gain ground on the very conditions we need to reverse to improve our graduation rates and produce more students who are ready for college and the workforce.
We don't have enough support for maternal leave and the kinds of things that some of the European countries do. So we still make it hard on women to go into the work force and feel that they can be good at work but then doing the most important job, which is raising your children in a responsible and positive way.
The deal is that women have entered the workforce, but they have not been relieved of the domestic responsibilities.
The key to breaking the Taliban taboo against women and the cultural brainwashing that the Taliban imposed upon many Afghans is to get women back into the workforce.
Even after 9/11, when their life-saving role became clear, employers have dragged their feet on raising wages to a mostly African-American workforce. Four years after 9/11, the real estate industry has short-changed security officers, undermined the safety of their own buildings and jeopardized the well-being of the entire city.
No economy can succeed without a high-quality workforce, particularly in an age of globalization and technical change.
As the Indian government has embraced greater economic openness, the creativity and expertise of the Indian workforce has been unleashed onto the world economic stage.
Your workforce is your most valuable asset. The knowledge and skills they have represent the fuel that drives the engine of business - and you can leverage that knowledge.
I like being in the workforce; it keeps me grounded.
State Farm is pleased to support the Common Core State Standards Initiative. State by State adoption of these standards is an important step towards maintaining our country s competitive edge. With a skilled and prepared workforce, the business community will be better prepared to face the challenges of the international marketplace.
Because education is the backbone of a competitive workforce and successful economy, making it a priority is not uncommon.
Training the workforce of tomorrow with today's high schools is like trying to teach kids about today's computers on a 50-year-old mainframe.
The Obama administration will continue to fight for a comprehensive immigration solution that includes AgJobs and a stable workforce for our farms.
Approximately two thirds of our total civil aerospace workforce is in the UK, and so that's a good first proxy for the number of people who will be unfortunately losing their jobs in the UK.
While Japan’s working-age population has been decreasing due to its aging population and low birth rate, many women in Japan want to work if working conditions suit their lifestyle. Japan has been promoting the active participation of women in the workforce, which is expected to invigorate our society and stimulate economic growth.
If you have a diverse workforce, then you have a much better chance of picking up on things that a lack of diversity would hide from them.
People associate hard work and overload with stress. But, like suffering, stress is complicated. Bad stress is stress that a system can't endure without suffering damage. It is unplanned, uncontrolled, allows no time for rest and recovery, and exceeds the capacity of the system to adjust to it. As the popular phrase suggests, it burns people out and, over time, it can decimate an entire workforce.
We see these wonderful apps that really have changed our world in many good ways such as Uber or Airbnb, but at the same time, they're drastically changing the workforce. And they're changing them so much that the industries themselves are not able to keep up.
These “undocumented workers” from south of the border may have come here illegally, but they have long ago integrated themselves into their communities. Once here, they obey the laws. They pay taxes. Many of their sons and daughters serve in the military. They make up the majority of the workforce in several key industries: agricultural workers, child care, kitchen help in restaurants, housecleaning, maid service in hotels, and more. I’ve seen the great contribution they’ve made to their communities in California. Like generations of immigrants before them, they have become American citizens by choice, not by birth. They are, in effect, already citizens in every respect but one. It’s now important to make it official, as Ronald Reagan did, and grant them citizenship—or at least a path to citizenship—in order to save families from the fear of being torn apart by federal agents.
I think that when we have a better educated society, when there is less violence in our cities, when people get back into the workforce and have the opportunity to take care of themselves and their families - that for me really is the kind of success and the kind of America that I think most of us still want, we aspire to.
There is a huge business case for diversity. You will be making products for people you don't understand, you don't interact with. If you don't have an inclusive, diverse workforce, it makes you myopic.
I believe it's important that we ensure that the police have a modern and flexible workforce. I think that's what is necessary, so that they can provide the public with the service that they want.
Inspirational leadership connects to a highly motivated workforce which, in turn, means inspirational results.
There are certainly a lot of things that still need to change when it comes to women in the workforce.