Web Quotes
Now I am not against widgets, those small third-party applications that people can put on their Web pages on social networks like Facebook and MySpace, in general.
Until now, searching the Web has lacked the power of intuition, ... We have built an industry-compatible platform that marries computing algorithms and human thought, allowing users to access Jetpaks created by a social network of individuals who have found and created new online information.
I was the first to advocate the Web. But I am very troubled by this thing that every kid must have a laptop computer. The kids are totally in the computer age. There's a whole new brain operation that's being moulded by the computer.
There is a seamless web to life.. all life is sacred.
One little lie or dishonest act leads to another until the perpetrator is caught in the web of deceit.
He wove a great web of knowledge, linking everything together, and sat modestly at a switchboard at the center, eager to help.
[The web] is going to end up being a tremendous advantage, providing we can work out the financial structure. I think we'll see newspapers survive, being printed at home. Or you'll have a local print shop, so that rather than waiting for the newspapers to arrive by truck, which is 30 percent at least of a newspaper's cost, you'll go in and push a button, and it will take your dollar bills without anyone having to be there. And it will print the newspaper for you while you wait. It will take seven minutes. There's a terrific future for print in my view and it gives me great heart.
It's a fascinating time, I think. I do believe that with all the qualifications I've said - [such as] the uncertain accuracy of the web - nonetheless the access to speeches, documents is unparalleled with the ease of gathering information. If I had had that access when I was an editor or coming up, it would have made my life so much easier. As it was, everything took so much longer.
Because we are not separate and we are a strand in the web of this existence, there is nothing about us - which includes who we are and what we do - that is not happening perfectly.
Sometimes you actually get caught in the web of things where people are talking about... what kind of breakfast cereal you like.
It is about grabbing what you see on the Web, organizing it, and sharing with it with somebody.
In many instances, automation in itself facilitates more diversification opportunities, in freeing up production capacity and enabling shorter run, more targeted copies, and it can also be essential in the interface with additional and new processes such as web drying, inkjetting etc.
If the web can be evolved to include the missing APIs and have better performance, [developers] won't need to go beyond the web.
Law is a silvery web that lets the big flies pass and catches all the small ones.
She left the web, she left the loom, She made three paces through the room.
We wove a web in childhood, A web of sunny air; We dug a spring in infancy Of water pure and fair; We sowed in youth a mustard seed, We cut an almond rod; We are now grown up to riper age Are they withered in the sod?
I know it's very 'old media' of me to admit this, but I am often unnerved by the lack of civility on the Web.
The web is just going to be one more of those major change factors that businesses face every decade.
Most folks don't know about it. But I thought it was worth a shot, as I could direct my fans to it via my Web site.
On the web, you are what you publish.
On the Web no subject is sacrosanct. No one, from icon to unknown, is off-limits.
I personally use the web as an Intelligence Amplifier.
The web is not going to change the world, certainly not in the next 10 years. It's going to augment the world. And once you're in this web-augmented space, you're going to see that democratization takes place.
For she had discovered that as well as the evil web there was another. This too bound spirits together, but not in a tangle, it was a patterned web and one could see the silver pattern when the sun shone upon it. It seemed much frailer than the dark tangle, that had a hideous strength, but it might not be so always, not in the final reckoning. (The Child from the Sea)