Pretty Quotes
Karrin Murphy: I'm pretty sure there's no Nobel prize for pornography.
Jim Butcher
It's not just a matter of going through Heat and chucking in anyone. You have to have a pretty one, a funny one, a thick one and a mad one.
Mata Hari
I'm a pretty private person.
Brian Fallon
In the early days of the video game business, everybody played. The question is, what happened? My theory - and I think it's pretty well borne out - is that in the '80s, games got gory, and that lost the women. And then they got complex, and that lost the casual gamer.
Nolan Bushnell
I used to be a pretty hard-core iPhone fan. But over time, I grew more and more frustrated with the lousy service on AT&T. My iPhone simply could not reliably make and hold a phone call. Not just in New York and San Francisco, where I spend a lot of time, and where AT&T's service has been notoriously bad for years.
Daniel Lyons
I have a pretty good grip on who I am.
Bill Pullman
Acting as a profession came to me by chance: in 1946, after the war, I was having lunch with my cousin, who was the Italian ambassador, and he asked, 'What are you going to do now you're out of uniform?' I said, 'I'm pretty inventive, and I can imitate people,' and he said, 'Have you thought about being an actor?'
Christopher Lee
I think any time you're at the end of a trip you're usually pretty ready to come home and start working regularly again.
It's pretty cool to see how far music can take you.
Luke Bryan
I worked in this bar called the Raincheck Room in the '60s; it used to be over on Santa Monica Boulevard, and, y'know, it was a pretty hip place. Lots of actors hung out there.
Alex Rocco
The basic ability to not wipe oneself out, to endure, to use your technological interaction with the world in such a way that has the possibility of the likelihood of lasting and not being temporary - that seems like a pretty good definition of intelligence.
David Grinspoon
I was trained as a neurologist, and then I went into the theater, and if you're brought up to think of yourself as a biological scientist of some sort, pretty well everything else seems frivolous by comparison.
Jonathan Miller