Pretty Quotes
Not to be mean about it, but some great rock and rollers, like Bo Diddley and Chuck Berry, are pretty one-dimensional.
Ian Anderson
The first impression that I liked doing was an impression of Cheri Oteri's Barbara Walters impression on 'SNL.' I found that I could mimic that pretty well, and people got a kick out of that.
Kate McKinnon
If any successes has come to me, it came because I insisted on thinking things through. That's all I was capable of doing in life, was thinking pretty hard about trying to get the right answer, and then acting on it. I never learned to do anything else.
Charlie Munger
My dad's really funny. The male sense of humor - like my grandfather's and such - is pretty bizarre. Basically my dad's side of the family is where the bizarreness comes from. It's a little goofy and a little out there.
Kurt Vile
I had two primary cancers, which was pretty unusual. And when I got the second one, people told me such terrible bad-news stories, they instigated fears that weren't there in the first place. I do remember with such gratitude one doctor saying to me, 'Two primaries? That's nothing. I've seen a patient with six.'
Sam Taylor-Wood
I always assume I look better than I actually do. I'll feel pretty good about myself when I leave the house, then I'll see a picture and think, 'Crap, I had no idea that's what I was looking like.'
Katherine Heigl
I don't know if it's just my age or the climate or the high altitude or some of those old-cowboy values rubbing off on me, but I've grown slightly mellower living in Wyoming. I think if you ride into the West on a high horse, you pretty soon end up in a pile of manure.
Alexandra Fuller
I grew up with low self-esteem. I didn't think I was very pretty. I had glasses, red hair and was generally quite a spod.
Mark Gatiss
I mean, if you have to wake up in the morning to be validated by the editorial page of the New York Times, you got a pretty sorry existence.
Karl Rove
That's my name. I know it's difficult, and it's not pretty, but it's my name.
Mary Steenburgen
A lot of people will call me nuts or crazy, but I've always been pretty stable. By some people's standards, I might be crazy. But I realize that I'm not going to harm anyone, and the only place that I live is within my own universe, really - so it's O.K.
Rachel Miner
Gerard and I pretty much share all parenting responsibilities, although I'm definitely the disciplinarian.