Suffering Quotes
Those whose suffering is due to love are, as we say of certain invalids, their own physicians.
Marcel Proust
Suffering and evil will not have the last word.
George Pell
I am deeply saddened by the suffering of the Iraqi people.
Moshe Katsav
After making a mistake or suffering a misfortune, the man of genius always gets back on his feet.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Do not close your eyes before suffering. Find ways to be with those who are suffering by all means, Including personal contact and visits, images, sound. By such means, awaken yourself and others to the reality of suffering in the world.
Gautama Buddha
You get older. In the end, you end up accepting everything in your life - suffering, horror, love, loss, hate - all of it.
Harry Dean Stanton
Listening moves us closer, it helps us become more whole, more healthy, more holy. Not listening creates fragmentation, and fragmentation is the root of all suffering.
Meg Wheatley
Anyone who has come into contact with extreme pain, suffering or death has no trouble understanding Greek drama.
Bessel van der Kolk
Daily there have to be many troubles and trials in every house, city, and country. No station in life is free of suffering and pain, both from your own, like your wife or children or household help or subjects, and from the outside, from your neighbors and all sorts of accidental trouble.
Martin Luther
One day I met a lady who was dying of cancer in a most terrible condition. And I told her, I say, "You know, this terrible pain is only the kiss of Jesus - a sign that you have come so close to Jesus on the cross that he can kiss you."
Mother Teresa
One alternative that nearly always relieves our suffering is surrender: we surrender our false self, and our attachment to the notion that we can control anything.
Charles L. Whitfield
I can't go on flying apart just for those who want the benefit of a few verbal kicks. My God, do you know what poems like that cost? They're not written vicariously: they come out of actual suffering, real madness.
Theodore Roethke
Just as a line drawn on water with a stick will quickly vanish and will not last long; even so, brahmins, is human life like a line drawn on water. It is short, limited, and brief; it is full of suffering. One should do good and live a pure life; for none who is born can escape death.
Gautama Buddha
Who taught you all this, doctor?" The reply came promptly: "Suffering.
Albert Camus
Whatever you may suffer, speak the truth. Be worthy of the entire confidence of your associates. Consider what is right as to what must be done. It is not necessary that you should keep your property, or even your life, but it is necessary that you should hold fast your integrity.
William Ellery Channing
Those who suffer from the abuse of drugs have themselves to blame for it. This does not mean that society is absolved from active concern for their plight. It does mean that their plight is subordinate to the plight of those citizens who do not experiment with drugs but whose life, liberty, and property are substantially affected by the illegalization of the drugs sought after by the minority.
William Francis Buckley