Discussions Quotes
In times like ours, where the growing complexity of life leaves us barely the time to read the newspapers, where the map of Europehas endured profound rearrangements and is perhaps on the brink of enduring yet others, where so many threatening and new problems appear everywhere, you will admit it may be demanded of a writer that he be more than a fine wit who makes us forget in idle and byzantine discussions on the merits of pure form.
Right now partisan tribalism is statistically higher than at any point since the Civil War. Why? It’s certainly not because our political discussions are more important. It’s because the local, human relationships that anchored political talk have shriveled up. Alienated from each other, and uprooted from places we can call home, we’re reduced to shrieking.
Our best comes out when we have honest discussions.
The latest literary discussions reflect a struggle between two artistic methods - romanticism and realism, with the latter clearly ascendant for the time being.
I never discuss discussions.
The discussions are at a formative stage and it would be inappropriate to speculate on the outcome.
I don't expect a settlement, and I don't expect a collapse of discussions.
There are now discussions taking place on other aspects of the negotiating framework, principally on this issue about absorption capacity and privileged partnership.
There has been a meeting and discussions are still in progress. The talks have been taking place between the two sides here and in the United States.
While those whom devotion to abstract discussions has rendered unobservant of the facts are too ready to dogmatize on the basis of a few observations.
I'm not going to anticipate the outcome of the discussions. I hope they will be successful.
The fact that Iran asked for these discussions this morning - they are not negotiations - illustrated the fact that Iran is concerned about its international position.
Creativity comes from spontaneous meetings, from random discussions.
This sounds cheesy but when I would get in discussions with people about religion or spirituality, a lot of people would say, "I believe God is nature, there's God in that tree" - and I would think, What the hell are they on about? But it was about four or five years ago in Hawaii where that all made sense to me and I got it all, and I felt God was in the trees and in the grass and the flowers, and I completely understood.
We had long discussions about this, because at the beginning I was a little bit reluctant, because I thought, 'Well, are people going to think that we've got a camera on Mars?' and then, I thought, 'Well, people are far enough along. The audience is smart.' We want to show want show what the rovers are doing and we can't just have stills.
If something was bugging you, you talk about it. But that's the cool thing: we (My Chemical Romance) don't bug each other. We just have deep discussions about art and music like friends. And we disagree about stuff but the disagreements are so healthy and intelligently thought out. We're very respectful of each other's opinions, especially about music.
One of the silliest of all discussions is the question whether God is personal-it would be more useful to inquire whether ice is frozen.
The door for discussions is still open. Only you can say whether it (possibilities of a grand alliance) is a closed chapter.
With all the arguments and discussions about the Vietnam War, what did the visual image do? It ended the war.
Our hope is that these learning sessions and discussions will make a difference within and beyond our stores.
I think that public discussions thus far, without a specific proposal, has created and enhanced a lot of confusion and fear among seniors, wondering if their benefits now are going to be cut.
Like almost all others began with metaphysical discussions. The theory has advanced but the practical science is still in its infancy and the modern statesman is constantly short of facts on which he can base his speculations.
The position of Russia is the following: Why don't we have an extraordinary meeting (at the UN), debate the situation then go back to Vienna, continue discussions there and wait for the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) board meetings in March.
I am, it seems, an avant-garde dramatist. It would even seem obvious since I am present here at discussions on the avant-garde theatre. It is all entirely official. But what does the term avant-garde mean?