Fixing Quotes
Not causing trouble, not touching anything, fixing the primus.
When fixing problems, always do the least you can.
If everybody contemplates the infinite instead of fixing the drains, many of us will die of cholera.
Fixing the pension system was one of the biggest problems Rhode Island faced.
Fixing is the illness model; acceptance is the identity model; which way any family goes reflects their assumptions and resources.
I didn't become a good writer until I learned how to rewrite. And I don't just mean fixing spelling and adding a comma. I rewrite each of my books five or six times, and each time I change huge portions of the story.
We see what music can do for people. Hell, we see what music does for us! When you see thousands of people out in front of you, it's fixing their lives. It's helping. It's healing. It's bigger than the inconvenience of jealousy or emotional storm clouds.
I certainly have a lot to lament, as do we all, everybody has their griefs. But the griefs we can fix, shouldn't we go around fixing them?
I'm always sort of optimistic about how good we are, as a country, at fixing ourselves.
Before things are written down they don't exist in quite the same way. The act of fixing them in words gives them a kind of currency that can be traded.
I'm quite handy with a screwdriver. I like making and fixing things.
The determined fixing of our will upon God, and pressing toward him steadily and without deflection; this is the very center and the art of prayer.
If you have some moral flaws that need fixing, make it a priority to correct them.
Price fixing does not represent simply windfall gains and losses to particular groups according to whether the price happens to be set higher or lower than it would be otherwise. It represents a net lose to the economy as a whole to the extent that many transactions do not take place at all, because the mutually acceptable possibilities have been reduced.