Injured Quotes
Everyone has been injured, regardless of whether they're an athlete or not.
Mirai Nagasu
I quit wrestling in 2006 because I just got lost. My mom didn't want me wrestling. I was wondering if I was going to make it in wrestling; I got injured in a match. I was 19. I was away from home, living in Florida, and I just got lost. I couldn't face it, so I stepped away.
Becky Lynch
The worthiest people are the most injured by slander, as is the best fruit which the birds have been pecking at.
Jonathan Swift
Our dead are never dead to us until we have forgotten them: they can be injured by us, they can be wounded; they know all our penitence, all our aching sense that their place is empty, all the kisses we bestow on the smallest relic of their presence.
George Eliot
Boys [should be] inured from childhood to trifling risks and slight dangers of every possible description, such as tumbling into ponds and off of trees, etc., in order to strengthen their nervous system... They ought to practice leaping off heights into deep water. They ought never to hesitate to cross a stream over a narrow unsafe plank for fear of a ducking. They ought never to decline to climb up a tree, to pull fruit merely because there is a possibility of their falling off and breaking their necks. I firmly believe that boys were intended to encounter all kinds of risks, in order to prepare them to meet and grapple with risks and dangers incident to man’s career with cool, cautious self-possession...
R. M. Ballantyne
One who is injured ought not to return the injury, for on no account can it be right to do an injustice.
A man calumniated is doubly injured -- first by him who utters the calumny, and then by him who believes it.
A child who's been injured by a parent waits her whole life for some acknowledgment of the wrong that's been done, some validation from him that her pain is real, that he's sorry and will make amends. The child will wait forever, unable to move forward, unable to forgive, without someone to acknowledge the past. In that powerlessness comes a terrible rage.
Lisa Unger
In the recent Virginia election, the black vote diminished. Now why was that? I think a lot of black folks are wondering what this guy is really going to do, not only for them but for the country. If the country is injured, they will be injured. That may be sinking in.
Nat Hentoff
All I've seen agents do is talk players into having bad senior seasons because they're trying to keep themselves from getting injured.
Lou Holtz
Tracy looks like he's injured to me. He just didn't seem to play with as much vigor.
Phil Jackson
Well, trials are the portion of mankind, and gardeners have their share, and in any case it is better to be tried by plants than persons, seeing that with plants you know that it is you who are in the wrong, and with persons it is always the other way about—and who is there among us who has not felt the pangs of injured innocence, and known them to be grievous?
Elizabeth von Arnim
If you have a wounded heart, touch it as little as you would an injured eye. There are only two remedies for the suffering of the soul: hope and patience.
It looked pretty wild, but I was actually in control of myself. I've never really injured anyone throughout my career.
Oliver Kahn
We can have justice whenever those who have not been injured
by injustice are as outraged by it as those who have been.
To give birth is a fearsome thing; there is no hating the child one has borne even when injured by it.
If a snail’s shell gets injured, a repair can be made quickly. New shell material is secreted by the mantle, and where there was once a crack, a scar appears, looking much like a skin scar. Even a missing shell section can be replaced. Oliver Goldsmith described this in 1774: Sometimes these animals are crushed seemingly to pieces, and, to all appearance, utterly destroyed; yet still they set themselves to work, and, in a few days, mend all their numerous breaches . . . to the re-establishment of the ruined habitation. But all the junctures are very easily seen, for they have a fresher colour than the rest; and the whole shell, in some measure, resembles an old coat patched with new pieces.
Elisabeth Tova Bailey
I always took a lot of pride in being a safe wrestle. I never injured anyone.
Bret Hart