Life Quotes
The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.
I've never asked a girl out in my life, they have to ask me.
Every day that is born into the world comes like a burst of music and rings the whole day through, and you make of it a dance, a dirge, or a life march, as you will.
The one thing I do remember is that as I retraced my steps through all the familiar streets of my life, Inow felt completely lost.
The secret of life does not lie in its chemical basis . . . Life succeeds precisely because it evades chemical imperatives.
I trust that when people meet, we meet for a transcendent reason, and that the challenges we face in life are always lessons that serve our soul's growth.
I just found it interesting to talk to adults I admired, and to discover that the path they took was never all that clearly defined. It was comforting to me when I figured out that you don't have to know what you want to do with your life; you just have to take a few steps in one direction, and other opportunities will open up.
Though a skilled mathematician, Alfred Marshall used mathematics sparingly. He saw that excessive reliance on this instrument might lead us astray in pursuit of intellectual toys, imaginary problems not conforming to the conditions of real life: and further, might distort our sense of proportion by causing us to neglect factors that could not easily be worked up in the mathematical machine.
I don't think of my life as a career. I do stuff. I respond to stuff. That's not a career - it's a life! Steve Jobs
I'm not about to talk about what's romantic in my life - I figure if you talk about it once - then that's an open invitation for everyone to dig into your personal life even further.
Our life is two fold Sleep hath its own world, A boundary between the things misnamed Death and existence Sleep hath its own world, And a wide realm of wild reality.
Scientific education is by far the best training for all walks of life because it teaches us how to assess situations critically and react accordingly. It gives us an understanding based on reverence for life-enhancing technologies as well as for life itself.
The stupid things you do in life are the most beautiful.
The price of property in city centres is making it impossible, particularly in the big cities, for any kind of social mix to take place. It's castrating the whole notion of city life.
I found power in accepting the truth of who I am. It may not be a truth that others can accept, but I cannot live any other way. How would it be to live a lie every minute of your life.
If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living.
Work alone qualifies us for life.
Amazingly enough, athletic achievement is one of those things that seems larger than life at points. I think we all look to sport for inspirations.
I have never cared much for people. Most of them are cowards, conformists, muddleheads, moneygrubbers, and they infect each other.
I've had a few setbacks in my life, but I never gave up.
Live the life you want.
I've only ever been in one band in my life, and that was in middle school.
How can we know the dancer from the dance?
The right of nature... is the liberty each man hath to use his own power, as he will himself, for the preservation of his own nature; that is to say, of his own life.