Life Quotes
When I sing I have a lot of visions. Like what's happening now in my life.
Cyndi Lauper
Blue Angel
I insist on keeping a level head. I've maintained the same exact home life that I’ve had for 20 years. All I see is more people looking at me than before. But, you know, who cares? You just can't obsess yourself with this fame stuff.
Leonardo DiCaprio
I'm quite sure that all true professional artists, of every description, in all walks of life, whether their craft is painting, music, sculpture, medicine or anything, have one primary concern - mankind.
Chico Hamilton
It's fun to have a partner who understands your life and lets you be you.
Kim Kardashian
Since my life has been wayward and impulsive, always a search for something that is not there, and then disillusionment, I believe I need all the excuses I can make.
Lana Turner
The important thing is to learn a lesson every time you lose. Life is a learning process and you have to try to learn what's best for you. Let me tell you, life is not fun when you're banging your head against a brick wall all the time.
John McEnroe
If you examine your thoughts for five minutes at various times during the day for several times a month, you will indeed receive a correct impression of the kind of life you have arranged for yourself in the next existence. If you are not pleased with what you discover, then you had better begin changing the nature of your thoughts and feelings.
Jane Roberts
Give me a spirit that on this life's rough seaLoves t' have his sails fill'd with a lusty wind,Even till his sail-yards tremble, his masts crack,And his rapt ship run on her side so lowThat she drinks water, and her keel plows air.
George Chapman
Concepts vs. self-actualization. - Instead of dedicating your life to actualize a concept of what you should be like, ACTUALIZE YOURSELF. The process of maturing does not mean to become a captive of conceptualization. It is to come to the realization of what lies in our innermost selves.
Bruce Lee
It's the uncertainty, the challenge and the willingness to put it all on the line that draws a lot of people to climb mountains. That can also apply to a lot of other challenges in life, whether it's running for office, starting a family, going to grad school or taking all of your cash and assets and starting a business.
Mark Udall