Nuance Quotes
I think what human beings need is to be able to laugh at the absurd, hold on to ambiguity, and learn to love nuance, instead of making everything one or the other, and structurally, so much of the Internet and online publishing doesn't have room for any of that.
Being written by someone who might not quite understand the subconscious nuance of the character leaves us in varying degrees of flatness.
I was born into a profession in which my love of words, chosen with care for their meaning and nuance, was extremely important, not only to me, but also to the people with whom I worked with.
There still shines the most important nuance by virtue of which the noble felt themselves to be men of a higher rank. They designate themselves simply by their superiority in power (as "the powerful," "the masters," "the commanders") or by the most clearly visible signs of this superiority, for example, as "the rich," "the possessors" (this is the meaning of 'Arya,' and of corresponding words in Iranian and Slavic).
Very often, people confuse simple with simplistic. The nuance is lost on most.
The English language is more complex than calculus because numbers don't have nuances.
When the thing observed... is seen as an agglomeration of pieces, the details lose their meaning and the whole becomes unrecognizable. This is often true of snapshots in which no pattern of salient shapes organizes the mass of vague and complex nuances.
Compared to the typical Zim/Chomsky-spouting grad school clown, a trucker with a screaming eagle hat is a paragon of political nuance.
The more you spend time with a character, the more you see different nuances of that character.
I talk about Breaking Bad being the most brilliant show ever, and even minor characters have subtle nuances and are fully drawn.
The best pictures differentiate themselves by nuances...a tiny relationship - either a harmony or a disharmony - that creates a picture.
Not content with covering one divisive subject today, I've also done a piece about Boris Johnson. It's not blind to his flaws but argues for a bit more nuance in how we see him...
The goal is always to make a nice tableau painting with the voice. The more color I can find, the more shadow I can find - the goal is always to make more nuance and colors.
There is an intelligence factor that works with the spoken word. With words, you have to understand meaning and nuances and things like that. You have to be able to relate...but with music it's just music.