Coffins Quotes
It's not the COUGH that carries you OFF. . . . It's the COFFIN they carry you OFF IN.
The only exercise I take is walking behind the coffins of friends who took exercise.
The only thing I expect out of lawyers is that they be back in their coffins by sunup.
The smallest coffins are the heaviest.
The consumer's side of the coffin lid is never ostentatious.
More people have a fear of speaking than a fear of death. So at a funeral, most people would want to be the person in the coffin rather than the person delivering the eulogy!
A shortage of coffins was one thing, but then London began running out of graves.
There's a coffin in the back of the church as the wedding is going on ... Look, I'm a romantic. I like marriage...In the movies.
I'd rather look good in my coffin than bad in my coffin.
Well, I guess I am about the livest dead man you ever saw; although I was once asked to accept a coffin.
A People Magazine article in 1982 referred to him as the late Abe Vigoda. The very-much-alive Vigoda placed an ad in Variety with him in a coffin holding a copy of People Magazine.
She wanted to be buried in a coffin filled with used paperbacks.
One cannot live for ever by ignoring the price of coffins.
Simply adored Timothy Schaffert's The Coffins of Little Hope: the voice of Essie, the narrator, is terrific & the last line blew me away.