Vibrations Quotes
Every good thought, every good word, every good emotion, and every act of kindness, is lifting the vibration of your being to new heights. And as you begin to raise your vibration, a new life and a new world will reveal itself to you.
When you offer a vibration, the Universal forces are working in concert with each other in order to satisfy you. You really are the center of the Universe.
If you examine your history, you cannot help but repeat it! Law of Attraction says it is so: 'Whatever I am looking at, I am including in my vibration.'
That All-That-Isness that is responding to your vibration is that which you call God.
Your life experience is unfolding in the precise response to the vibrations that radiate as a result of your thoughts, whether you know it is or not.
Particular nuisances (are) smoke, sewage odours, dust and similar aerosols, and vibrations.
Röntgen has familiarized us with an order of vibrations of extreme minuteness compared with the smallest waves with which we have hitherto been acquainted, and of dimensions comparable with the distances between the centers of the atoms of which the material universe is built up; and there is no reason to suppose that we have here reached the limit of frequency.
We are what we are, because of the vibrations of thought which we pick up and register, through the stimuli of our daily environment.
Only when the clamor of the outside world is silenced will you be able to hear the deeper vibration. Listen carefully.
I'm a heaven sent instrument. My rhythmatic regimen navigates melodic notes for your soul and your mental. That's why I'm instrumental, vibrations is what I'm into.
Vibrations are nothing but Divine Love.
If I vibrate with vibrations other than yours, must you conclude that my flesh is insensitive?
Color which, like music, is a matter of vibrations, reaches what is most general and therefore most indefinable in nature: its inner power.
In this world, everything has a pulse or a vibration. This sound is unique to each living or non-living thing and in itself creates a music that no-one can hear. I believe that this has a very powerful resonance with, and a deep effect on, our lives.
The vibrations of mental forces are the finest and consequently the most powerful in existence.
That's the moment I learned that the more you believe in yourself, the stronger the vibration touches someone else, and things begin to happen the way you dreamed that they would.
Modern science agrees that the universe consists of vibrations, but sound is more than vibration. Distinct from white noise, sound is vibrations in harmonic proportions, and from the billions of vibrations that are possible, the universe shows a startling, overwhelming preference for the few thousand that make harmonic sense.This is because the One, from which all things issue, is beautiful.
The presence of an active, energetic, successful man, or set of men, in a place, will permeate the place with positive vibrations that will stimulate all who abide there.
Never mind what is. Imagine it the way you want it to be so that your vibration is a match to your desire. When your vibration is a match to your desire, all things in your experience will gravitate to meet that match every time
Offer a vibration that matches your desire rather than offering a vibration that keeps matching what-is.
Sorrow is one of the vibrations that prove the fact of living.
Children or babies learn to mimic the vibration of the adults who surround them long before they learn to mimic their words.
The Universe does not know if the vibration you are offering is because of what you are imagining, or because of what you are observing.
Any disease could be healed in a matter of days - any disease - if distraction from it could occur and a different vibration dominate.