Mystique Quotes
The mystique of the femme fatale cannot be perfectly translated into male terms.
If you've got Mystique as your girlfriend the fun you could have in bed – I've just imagined X-Men 3 might open with me in bed with Patrick Stewart.
My entire career stands on the strong pillars of women-oriented films. This stems from the fact that I am sensitive to the entire aura and mystique of a woman and womanhood.
I'm not a novelist, I'm a storyteller. There is no art in what I do, no mystique.
The mysteriousness and mystique of space is such, that science fiction attempts to tantalize you by telling you a story that could possibly be out there and that's the appeal of science fiction.
As soon as you start talking about mystique, you have none.
Luke James has this mystique about him that's not something you can explain; you can only experience it. He's got a whole D'Angelo feel to him as well.
And I'm hoping that over the next 20, 50 years, whatever, the mystique of television and film and all that will diminish somewhat, and people will leave us alone to get on with our jobs.
In my industry, everybody wants to know everything about you, and its just dumb. I think the only way of maintaining some of that mystique is by not giving away too much about yourself. It has served me well so far. I never want to feel up for grabs.
There's always been a mystique and an allure to motorcycles. Even for people who don't ride, there's a fascination.
People think that as a celebrity, you have to have this sort of mystique about you, but I'm probably the realest person you'll ever meet.
I think we Southerners have talked a fair amount of malarkey about the mystique of being Southern.
The mystique associated with the bomb, the role that scientists played in it, and its general importance could not fail to impress even a six-year old.