Creed Quotes
I've always lived by the creed that you're never a failure in life when you fall as long as you try and get up.
I know that a creed is the shell of a lie.
Your dreamer may do without a creed, but he always wants a ritual.
Nonviolence is an unchangeable creed.
For me nonviolence is a creed. I must act up to it, whether I am alone or have companions.
The human animal cannot be trusted for anything good except en masse. The combined thought and action of the whole people of any race, creed or nationality, will always point in the right direction.
One cannot have a trade union or a democratic election without freedom of speech, freedom of association and assembly. Without a democratic election, whereby people choose and remove their rulers, there is no method of securing human rights against the state. No democracy without human rights, no human rights without democracy, and no trade union rights without either. That is our belief; that is our creed.
The younger generation is vibrant with a new psychology; the new spirit is awake in the masses . . . Each generation . . . will have its creed.
I own no enemy on earth. That is my creed.
I have followed the Church in giving our party program the character of unalterable finality, like the Creed. The Church has never allowed the Creed to be interfered with. It is fifteen hundred years since it was formulated, but every suggestion for its amendment, every logical criticism, or attack on it, has been rejected.
In my opinion, Marxism is a great creed of human liberation. It is the creed which says that when all other empires fade and vanish, our business is to enlarge the empire of the human mind.
In Romans 1:4, the phrase “in power” (has been) widely argued by scholars that Paul added these words to the creed.
The Creed of the Assassin Brotherhood teaches us that nothing is forbidden to us. Once, I thought that meant we were free to do as we would. To pursue our ideals, no matter the cost. I understand now. Not a grant of permission. The Creed is a warning.
When anything assumes the strength of a creed, it becomes self-sustained and derives the needed support from within.
My ranch William S. Hart Park is for the benefit of the American Public of every race and creed.
How to think about a problem: The first step is to make the problem specific . . . ; The second step is to form theories freely of how to rid yourself of that burden . . . ; The third step is to develop in foresight the consequences of your proposals . . . ; The fourth and final step in thinking is to compare the consequences of your proposals to see which is best in the light of your scheme of life as a whole . . . ; Whether you choose a vacation or a spouse, a party or a candidate, a cause to contribute to or a creed to live by - think!
My creed of nonviolence is an extremely active force.
Devise some creed, and live it, beyond theirs, Or I shall think you but their spendthrift heirs.
Nonviolence is an unchangeable creed. It has to be pursued even in face of violence raging around you.
My creed of nonviolence does not favour the punishment of thieves and dacoits and even murderers.
Call it stubborn, call it ignorant, call it what you want, but I don't think I have to join a particular faith or culture or creed or religion just to fit in
The creed of a true saint is to make the best of life, and to make the most of it.
Slowly but surely I became resigned to the fact that, for some alternative medicine zealots, no amount of explanation would ever suffice. To them, alternative medicine seemed to have mutated into a religion, a cult whose central creed must be defended at all costs against the infidel.
It is part of my creed that the only poetry is history, could we tell it right.