Redeemed Quotes
Forget not, O Lord, that I am one of those whom Thou hast created, and with Thine own blood hast redeemed. I repent me of my sins: I will strive to amend my ways.
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
The world is not yet redeemed.
The Christian goal for the world is the universal development of Biblical theocratic republics, in which every area of life is redeemed and placed under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the rule of God's law.
The agony that we went through needed to be redeemed, and needed to be recompensed, and that did occur and we're very happy that this part is over.
If you want me to believe in your redeemer, you are going to have to look a lot more redeemed.
It is not only individuals peoples too cannot live merely for themselves. The whole world must be redeemed.
If we, who have been redeemed, don't say what we have been redeemed from, how are those in the same bondage going to even know that there is hope.
I will believe in the Redeemer when the Christians look a little more redeemed.
The world can only be redeemed through action-movement-motion. Uncoerced, unbribed, and unbought, humanity will move toward the light.
The one who always strives, That one can be redeemed.
everything happens to an artist; time is always redeemed, nothing is lost and wonders never cease.
The only problem with the way they do my character is that they have her get redeemed too early.