Breastfeeding Quotes
It is high time to declare an end to the breastfeeding dictatorship that is drowning women in guilt and worry just when they most need support: after the birth of a child.
When you're a full-time mum, you're constantly in that zone and doing breastfeeding and having a lot of boredom, too!
I would be writing while I was breastfeeding. I didn't want the computer to be too close to her, so it was at an arm's distance away while I was clickety-clack typing away.
About four or five weeks after it was publicly announced I was no longer breastfeeding, I got a letter from the NHS saying they were being supportive of me, but basically, they were very disappointed I'd stopped.
My mother didn't find motherhood easy. I've heard her saying that. She didn't breastfeed me. I woke up when I was breastfeeding my own child thinking, 'How can a woman feel an attachment to a child without breast-feeding?'
I hate to admit this, but before we had a baby I was kind of weirded out by breastfeeding. It looked strange, and I was always like, 'Look away! Ignore it, ignore the boobs in the room, move along, nothing to see here!'
I used to joke that, since breastfeeding, my boobs looked like an old athletic sock with some loose change at the bottom, so when I felt a lump the size of a marble, I knew something was terribly wrong.
When I tell people that I lost my baby weight through breastfeeding, they think I'm exaggerating. But it was brilliant for that. It is great for bonding with your baby. It is hard when no one else can feed her, but it was worth it for me. I loved it.
It's not like I'm cooking! I'm breastfeeding - I feel like that's the best cooking I could do.
Something as simple as better breastfeeding could save a million children a year.
I lost most of my weight from breastfeeding and I encourage women to do it; It's just so good for the baby and good for yourself.
I think breastfeeding is part of what helped me lose my baby weight. I just dump it all into my chubby little son.
A couple of websites I've come across credit the 'New York Times' for reporting that 12,000 women a year are arrested for breastfeeding in public. I could not confirm that number with a quick search, but even 1,200 would be too many - or even 12.
They who on meare curiositie (where no urgent necessitie requireth) try whether their children may not as birds be nourished without sucking, offend contrary to this dutie of breast feeding and reflect that meanes which God hath ordained as best; and so oppose their shallow wits to his unsearchable wisdom.
I'm a big advocate of breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding is amazing; you can actually feel your stomach shrink with every feed.
For me, breastfeeding was even more painful than giving birth. And despite a lactation consultant, I felt incompetent. I forged on, barely sleeping, always either breastfeeding or pumping and never getting the hang of it.
No one argues with the many benefits of breastfeeding for those women who choose it.
You have trouble breastfeeding, and for some reason, it's supposed to be so organic that you feel like you're doing something incorrect.
I spent the whole summer with my boobs out, breastfeeding. I loved it. It was heaven.
The natural power of breastfeeding is one of the greatest wonders of the world. It is about real love. It is about caring and celebrating the wondrous joy of nurturing a new life. It is about enjoying being a woman.
I know that, for me, I need to try to cover myself while breastfeeding so that no one snaps a picture. If this wasn't the case, I probably wouldn't mind as much because my son is my biggest concern. My attitude is, if someone sees a little somethin' somethin', don't look if you don't like it.
I was watching a lot of 'Game of Thrones' while I was breastfeeding a newborn.