I Do Quotes
To take a few nouns, and a few pronouns, and adverbs and adjectives, and put them together, ball them up, and throw them against the wall to make them bounce. That's what Norman Mailer did. That's what James Baldwin did, and Joan Didion did, and that's what I do - that's what I mean to do.
I hope there is an edge to what I do.
I'm passionate about what I do. I'd be naive to be passive.
Either this wallpaper goes, or I do.
Larry and Kathy (his wife) were both close friends of mine. I thought a lot of them. I still do.
What can I know? What ought I to do? What may I hope?
My children and I can talk about anything and everything. It makes it easier. They know I’m doing my best, and that’s the best I can do.
Why don't you laugh? If I did not laugh I should die, and you need this medicine as much as I do.
I do all my own stunts!
I'm not particularly interested in playing characters that think the way I do.
Ask me why I do it? I’ma put it like this. God damn it. I love it.
The idea occurred to him when he was twenty. At first it was only a vague idea, a question looming — what should I do? — with an answer taking shape: nothing.
For if I do something, I never do it thoughtlessly.
I don't always do what I should but I do what I gotta do.
I just do what I do.
Whatever I do is out of love.
Everything that I do has a certain mechanical logic to it, and follows my definition of design - which is function with cultural content.
I do what I do instinctively, and that’s me. If you like me, that’s fine; if you don’t like me then don’t watch me.
There isn't a switch that I turn on. I'm an actor. This is what I do.
What I do I am driven to do. I follow the dictates of a looming and unseen force. I try to become like a musical instrument, intruding no sound of its own but bringing forth such tones as are played upon it by a master's hand.
I do whatever I can to make my guys pumped up. And if I feel like telling my driver he is better than the 20 car in a particular run, and that pumps up my driver and that hurts Tony's feelings, well, I'm sorry.
In situations like that, you're really unsure about how you're going to perform, but once I got out there (I was OK), ... Believe me, I've been doing this since I was 6 years old. It's nothing. This is what I do. This is what I get paid to do.
If I wasn’t doing what I do I would be a personal trainer full-time.
The thing I love about being on stage is I can do whatever I want.