Vanity Quotes
When I look back on my life nowadays, which I sometimes do, what strikes me most forcibly about it is that what seemed at the time most significant and seductive, seems now most futile and absurd. For instance, success in all of its various guises; being known and being praised; ostensible pleasures, like acquiring money or seducing women, or traveling, going to and fro in the world and up and down in it like Satan, exploring and experiencing whatever Vanity Fair has to offer. In retrospect all these exercises in self-gratification seem pure fantasy, what Pascal called “licking the earth.
Vanity is the fear of appearing original: it is thus a lack of pride, but not necessarily a lack of originality.
Good resolutions are useless attempts to interfere with scientific laws. Their origin is pure vanity. Their result is absolutely nil. They give us, now and then, some of those luxurious sterile emotions that have a certain charm for the weak.... They are simply cheques that men draw on a bank where they have no account.
If people buy my books for vanity, I consider it a tax on idiocy.
Men always want to be a woman's first love. That is their clumsy vanity. We woman have a more subtle instinct about things. What we like is to be a man's last romance.
The vanity of being known to be trusted with a secret is generally one of the chief motives to disclose it.
'Pride And Prejudice' takes place in a similar period to 'Vanity Fair,' and yet there's a huge difference between Jane Austen and Thackeray.
'Vanity' means worthlessness.
I was miserable the entire time I was Vanity. I spent so many days and so many nights crying, hating who I'd become.
I was really excited to get to shave my head - it's something I'd wanted to do for a while and now I had a good excuse. It was nice to shed that level of vanity.
There's nothing so unattractive as vanity... particularly male vanity.
Luxury is the income tax of vanity. But it is so pleasant.
Vanity was a joke. She was an image created to make money.
I have been vain since birth. I expected other people to like what I did, although my vanity has definitely diminished over the years.
Magnanimous people have no vanity, they have no jealousy, and they feed on the true and the solid wherever they find it. And, what is more, they find it everywhere.
I don't listen to my old music of Vanity's unless I have to hear it playing in a mall or something place like that.
I believe in glamour. I am in favor of a little vanity. I don't rely on just my genes.
What helps luck is a habit of watching for opportunities, of having a patient but restless mind, of sacrificing one's ease or vanity, or uniting a love of detail to foresight, and of passing through hard times bravely and cheerfully.
I don't read a lot of magazines, but when I'm traveling, I'll pick up a copy of 'Vanity Fair' to read on the plane - it's like a full meal! The articles are so good, especially the crime stories. Browsing the Web is more like snacking - but I live on snacks.
Our civilization survives in the complacency of cowardly or malignant minds -- a sacrifice to the vanity of aging adolescents.
Are your eyelashes like your hair?” “Yes. They’re very beautiful—want to see?” Her lips twitched. “Vanity is a sin,Bluebell.” “When you have it, flaunt it, I say.” -Elena and Illium
Our vanity desires that what we do best should be considered what is hardest for us.
My mother was a gorgeous person with no vanity, but she was a really good soul.
Oh, Vanity of vanities! How wayward the decrees of Fate are; How very weak the very wise, How very small the very great are!