Advancing Quotes
The great hope, and for the propagating and advancing the gospel of the kingdom of Christ in those remote parts of the world
William Bradford
You can help me by advancing equality, supporting arts and education, and saving this goddamn planet.
Jason Mraz
The universe is deathless; Is deathless because, having no finite self, it stays infinite. A sound man by not advancing himself stays the further ahead of himself, By not confining himself to himself sustains himself outside himself: By never being an end in himself he endlessly becomes himself.
Lao Tzu
Two passed pawns advancing on the enemy pieces have brought me more than a dozen points in tournaments.
David Bronstein
The task of preserving and advancing the highest humanity, given to this earth by the benevolence of the Almighty, seems a truly high mission.
Adolf Hitler
General Sickles, this is in some respects higher ground than that to the rear, but there is still higher in front of you, and if you keep on advancing you will find constantly higher ground all the way to the mountains.
George Meade
The role of business in advancing women's rights is growing, particularly in the area of economic opportunity including opening access to training, mentoring, networks, markets, technology and even to capital in some circumstances.
Melanne Verveer
If a scene doesn't work on three levels - it's not advancing the story, the characters, and telling me something new - then put it in the trash.
Catherine Hardwicke
That golden sky, which was the doubly blessed symbol of advancing day and of approaching rest.
George Eliot
The stress that we with Abilities always feel is trying to continue advancing with our music. That's our plight, it's ingrained in our personalities. We feel like we're trying to race the world of music itself - just trying to create the best music, and as soon as we get done with one piece we're trying to figure out how to top it.
We are only advancing in life, whose hearts are getting softer, our blood warmer, our brains quicker, and our spirits entering into living peace.
John Ruskin