Liver Quotes
Is life worth living? It all depends on the liver.
There is no way that carrying fifty or sixty extra pounds is easy on your heart, your lungs, or your liver. That's a fact. Every person in the world, no matter what size, shape, or form they are, deserves respect and love. But that doesn't mean we are supposed to pretend that something is healthy when in fact it is not.
The brain secretes thought as the stomach secretes gastric juice, the liver bile, and the kidneys urine.
Liver is my number one most hated food. Oh, God, I get sick talking about it!
A census taker tried to quantify me once. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a big Amarone. Go back to school, little Starling.
I have no desire at all to eat liver.
Our bodies have a finely tuned, built-in detoxifying system: It's called our liver, and it can detoxify our bodies better than any cleanse or fast without the unpleasantness and danger of muscle cramps, dehydration, and diarrhea associated with artificial cleanses.
I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti
Everybody seized upon a bit of the beast. The Sultan claimed the liver, which, when dried and powdered, is worth twice its weight in gold as medicine.
I don't think it's unethical to have a wife volunteer to have a piece of her liver given to her child or her husband. I think it's even ethical to do for friends.