Live Quotes
Unless we rise to the challenge, instead of American youth being able to live the American dream, the Chinese will fulfill their dream of overtaking America.
Cancer victims who don't accept their fate, who don't learn to live with it, will only destroy what little time they have left.
I did learn one great lesson from a past relationship, and that was to never talk about relationships in print again because I'd rather live my private life than read about it.
I'll never live to write all the stories I have in my head.
It's as if we live in a house which has a vast treasury in one of its rooms. Only we've forgotten about it. So, instead of living a life of royalty, we go about in poverty.
If the Planning Commission said those who live above Rs 5,000 a month are not at poverty line, obviously there is something wrong with the definition of poverty in this country. How can anybody live at Rs 5,000?
Performing live is like harvesting your crops and sharing your food with people.
Hey, the TV was my friend. As a child, I always said, 'I want to live in there someday.'
I believe in past lives but I know nothing about mine and I don't want to know. I live in the present, taking one day at a time.
As a former writer for the 'National Lampoon,' I've probably contributed to the sea of sarcasm in which we live.
I want tragic and poetic forever! That's how I want to live every day.
I sometimes think I was born to live up to my name. How could I be anything else but what I am having been named Madonna? I would either have ended up a nun or this.
I have a lot of things to prove to myself. One is that I can live my life fearlessly.
You cannot get me to be disloyal to a friend. You just can't do it. Loyalty is a part of what I live by. I didn't say I was going to be loyal to my friend because he was right. I'm going to be loyal to my friend because he's my friend.
I have moments where I feel incredibly ugly or fat, and it sucks, you know? I'll usually try to keep a positive attitude because I'm really so grateful for where I am and the life I get to live, but I definitely have to work hard not to feel insecure.
I remember feeling enormous pressure because I didn't want to be Shirley Temple. Shirley Temple was Shirley Temple, and I didn't ever feel like I could live up to that.
Every moral teacher or spiritual adviser gives injunctions about how to live wisely and well. But life is so complicated and full of uncertainty that rules seldom tell us quite what to do.
I don't have this feeling like, 'Oh, I want to live in the United States and make movies and become famous just because the money is here.' I like to make movies that tell stories that I care about.
Just like we don't live in a two-dimensional world, we don't live two-dimensional lives.
The beauty of recording in L.A. is that most of the musicians that are on the record live here, so it was easy to get world class artists like Rick Braun to swing by and play a little trumpet, Everette Harp on sax, guitarist Paul Jackson.
You live these three months in this reality, in this dark reality. You don't want to do those films every year because they're taxing. I started smoking a lot of cigarettes.
When you live in a small town in the Ukraine, you definitely want to go to Paris.
I can live with myself.
My mom married a family friend, and my dad married someone that's eight years older than me, so it was just like, these - like, I literally live a country song, so I had to write one.