Mixtures Quotes
You cannot say, because I am from Naples so I like the mixture of drama and comedy all together.
Sofia Villani Scicolone
Real humanity presents a mixture of all that is most sublime and beautiful with all that is vilest and most monstrous in the world.
Mikhail Bakunin
My life, at least, is divided between writing and performing and mixtures of the two.
Stephen Fry
But, as Bacon has well pointed out, truth is more likely to come out of error, if this is clear and definite, than out of confusion, and my experience teaches me that it is better to hold a well-understood and intelligible opinion, even if it should turn out to be wrong, than to be content with a muddle-headed mixture of conflicting views, sometimes miscalled impartiality, and often no better than no opinion at all.
William Bayliss
Gobbledygook may indicate a failure to think clearly, a contempt for one's clients, or more probably a mixture of both. A system that can't or won't communicate is not a safe basis for a democracy.
Michael Shanks