Rank Quotes
Rank is a great beautifier.
The function of protecting and developing health must rank even above that of restoring it when it is impaired.
But if you are a conceited brown-nosing shit-bag, you will be allowed to do what ever you want, and you will be handed your higher rank.
Each moss, Each shell, each drawling insect, holds a rank Important in the plan of Him who fram'd This scale of beings; holds a rack which, lost Would break the chain, and leave behind a gap Which Nature's self would rue.
You can be a rank insider as well as a rank outsider.
Is the Labour Party to remain a democratic party in which the right of free criticism and free debate is not merely tolerated but encouraged? Or are the rank and file of the party to be bludgeoned or cowed into an uncritical subservience towards the leadership?
My dear Watson," said Sherlock Holmes, "I cannot agree with those who rank modesty among the virtues. To the logician all things should be seen exactly as they are, and to underestimate one's self is as much a departure from truth as to exaggerate one's own powers.
The main Objective of any operation in an open file is the eventual Occupation of the seventh or eighth Rank.
I had my style of moving and dancing and whatever I do. What you have to do, is take all the fighters you want and me and rank me where you want. I can't tell you.
A woman's rank Lies in the fulness of her womanhood: Therein alone she is royal.
Un homme n'a jamais pu e lever sa ma|"tresse jusqu'a' lui; mais une femme place toujours son amant aussi haut qu'elle. A man can never elevate his mistress to his rank, but a woman can always place her lover as high as she.
Maybe it wasn't a good idea to rank the people in your life. That's not how the heart worked. The heart didn't make lists.
My rank is the highest known in Switzerland: I'm a free citizen.
Rank and expertise do not necessarily coincide.
Of all the arts poetry (which owes its origin almost entirely to genius and will least be guided by precept or example) maintains the first rank.
We trust in plumed procession For such the angels go Rank after rank, with even feet/And uniforms of snow.
To call a king "Prince" is pleasing, because it diminishes his rank.
The anarch wages his own wars, even when marching in rank and file.
There is no rank in sacrifice.
I had found again and again that the most aberrant population of a species - often having reached species rank, and occasionally classified even as a separate genus - occurred at a peripheral location, indeed usually at the most isolated peripheral location.
High rank and soft manners may not always belong to a true heart.
The higher the rank the less pretence, because there is less to pretend to.
Dostoyevsky wrote of the unconscious as if it were conscious; that is in reality the reason why his characters seem 'pathological', while they are only visualized more clearly than any other figures in imaginative literature... He was in the rank in which we set Dante, Shakespeare and Goethe.
Most of the time in February, everybody thinks they have the best class they've ever had. But we won't know until we get them here in August and see them. Certainly the way they rank them and the way we feel about them, it's our best class top to bottom. But that's always yet to be seen.